5. Dinner Date

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Me and Sophie were sat at our table. We were right next to a large glass windowpane so that Hunter could film from outside. Although they could see us, the glass that separated us made it so they couldn't hear us.

Hunter's plan was to film a segment with Jentzen watching us from outside as if he were spying on us, and I could see it already going down outside.

"Alright, we're filming" Hunter told Jentzen. Jentzen walked up to the camera, panting as if he had just ran a mile. "Oh my god guys you'll never believe what I just did! I chased the car all the way here to come and spy on Lev and Sophie on their date!" He breathes out heavily.

"I can't just let them go on a date - I need to watch them and make sure nothing happens!" He exclaimed. "Well you better hide then Jentzen, they can literally see you if they're sitting next to a big glass window!" Hunter reminded him from behind the camera.

"Guys I'm nervous, comment in the premiere chat where I should hide!" Jentzen whispered to the camera. "Oh, I know! Quick, editor, behind this bush!" Jentzen ordered.

Jentzen ducked behind a plant, pretending to watch Sophie and Lev. "Editor, what do you think they're talking about? I can see they're speaking but I can't hear anything..."

Meanwhile inside...

"Wow, this is super awkward, huh?" I joked, laughing nervously. Sophie rolled her eyes playfully, a cute smile on her face. "What do you think Hunter And Jentzen are talking about?" She asked, glancing out of the glass quickly.

"I don't know, but try not to look at them - we're not supposed to know they're there, remember?" I reminded her. "Oh yeah..." she mumbled. A few seconds passed in silence until Sophie finally spoke up.

"Uh... Lev?" She called out, grabbing my attention. She looked as if she had just worked up the courage to say something that had been on her mind. "Yeah?" I replied, leaning closer so she wouldn't feel so uncomfortable telling me whatever she needed to say.

"I just wanted to say... thanks for sticking up for me in the car" she mumbled under her breath, but just loud enough for me to hear it. My face immediately fell. "Oh, y-you heard that?" I stuttered nervously.

Sophie looked away with a sad expression on her face. I knew she was trying to hide how she felt. "It's ok Lev, honestly, but... do you think Jentzen likes me? Like likes me for real and not just for videos?" She asked shyly, still too nervous to look at me.

"I..." I began, not sure what to say. I didn't want to lie to Sophie, but I didn't want to hurt her feelings. "I think so" I finally replied. I wasn't really lying, since I didn't know the truth of whether Jentzen actually liked her.

"Well does he talk about me with you?" She asked, finally looking at me. I swallowed, scratching the back of my neck awkwardly. "Uh, yeah, he does" I lied. I felt bad for lying, but the smile that overtook Sophie's face made me feel 100 times better. Maybe a little lie wasn't so bad if it made her this happy.

"Thanks Lev" Sophie giggled sweetly. "Thanks for what?" I replied, smiling. "For being a good friend..." she responded, a small blush rising to her cheeks. I felt like I was getting lost in her eyes when suddenly I received a text on my phone.

I checked the notification and saw that I had a text from Hunter. I read it before looking up at Sophie with a worried expression. "Uhh, Soph..." I called out. She looked up at me.

"Hunter wants us to hold hands so that he can film Jentzen getting mad" I informed her awkwardly. "Oh... ok, I'm fine with that" she agreed. "Hold it whenever you want" she announced, letting out a small laugh. I smiled, reaching out over the table and grabbing her hand into mine.

I could've sworn I saw Sophie's cheeks tint red when our hands were intertwined, but maybe that was just my mind playing tricks on me and seeing what I wish could be true.

Finally our food and drinks arrived. Sophie had ordered a glass of water and I stuck with some sprite. We were both sharing one large bowl of pasta - I'd called the restaurant ahead of time and ordered what I knew was Sophie's favourite.

"Oh my god, my favourite!" She exclaimed. "Lev, how did you know?" She cooed in a sweet voice. "Eh, just guessed. I mean, I looked through the vegetarian menu and made a wild guess; it was either this or a plate of leaves and twigs" I joked. Sophie laughed, hitting my shoulder playfully.

I didn't want to tell her the real reason I knew - that I always payed attention to her and what she likes. It's not my fault I notice Sophie and take note of the little things.

"Hey, Sophie" I called over to her, a sudden idea entering my mind. "Let's lady and the tramp this piece of pasta" I suggested. "Huh?" She asked in a confused tone. "You eat one end and I eat the other, and we get closer" I explained.

"Ooooh" Sophie responded once she finally understood. "Uh, are you sure about this? What if we accidentally kiss?" She asked hesitantly. I shook my head. "No, just trust me on this one" I insisted.

Sophie shrugged, going along with it. "Ok then."

We picked a noodle and started eating at either end. Our mouthes were getting closer and closer, our lips only inches apart from meeting, until Jentzen busted into the restaurant and pulled out a pair of scissors.

He cut the pasta noodle, separating me and Sophie. "That's it, that's enough!" He yelled loudly. "This has gone too far; we're going home!" He exclaimed, taking Sophie's hand and pulling her up out of her seat.

Jentzen lead Sophie out of the restaurant while Hunter followed them with a camera. I let out a small sigh, walking out of the restaurant behind them. Finally when he reached the car Hunter cut the camera.

"That was a great take guys!" Hunter complimented. "Lev, what was that bit with the pasta? That was a great idea!" He stated proudly. I shrugged, not answering.

"But what would you guys have done if I didn't come in when I did?" Jentzen suddenly asked. For a moment it appeared to me I had no answer to his question, so I had to come up with one.

"Of course I would've pulled away before we got to close" I blurted out nervously. Sophie nodded. "Yes, obviously" she repeated, using my words.

Jentzen looked at me for a second as if he was unconvinced, but it looked like he let it slide. "C'mon, lets just go home and film an outro for your video..." he suggested, wrapping his arm around Sophie. Sophie smiled, letting Jentzen take her to the car.

Something in me hated watching him being around her - holding her, making her happy. But another part was just glad that something was keeping Sophie smiling... even if it wasn't me.

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