2. Best friends

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After a long while of shooting, we had finally finished filming Piper's video. "Hey, are you ok?" Piper turned to me and asked as soon as the camera was shut off.

I nodded, creasing my eyebrows together in confusion. "Uhh yeah, I'm fine, why?" I lied. Oh no, oh no... Piper knows something's wrong. What if she can read my mind!! What if she KNOWS I'VE BEEN THINKING ABOUT SOPH-

"Oh, I was just checking" she replied sweetly. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, looking down nervously. "You know, your answers to some of those questions were really cute" she whispered.

I tried to force a happy smile, not letting the guilt that was building up within me show on my face. "It's all for you, Pipes" I lied. She grinned, leaning forward and planting a kiss on my cheek before finally standing up.

"I've gotta go for a little, but I think you're supposed to be filming another video today" she informed me. I picked up the water bottle on the table and unscrewed the cap. "For who?" I asked as I took a long sip of water. "Sophie" Piper replied nonchalantly.

As soon as her name was mentioned I awkwardly spat the water I was drinking out of my mouth in surprise. "Oh my god Lev, what are you-" Piper began in a concerned tone.

"S-sorry" I coughed out. "I just choked" I reassured her. Technically I wasn't lying - I was indeed choking on my water, but not for the reasons she would've thought.

"Right, well I'm gonna head out then. Please try not to die while I'm gone" she joked as she walked away. As soon as she was gone I sighed, sinking back down into my seat.

I wonder what video Sophie could be filming today. Why did she need me in it? I'm overthinking, the whole squad is probably in it. I shrugged, deciding to get up and try to find the others.

I walked all around outside until I noticed two people standing on the grass. I squinted my eyes and noticed it was Sophie and Jentzen. It looked like they were filming a tik tok so naturally, being the person I was, the only reasonable thing for me to do was to photobomb it.

I snuck around behind the trampoline and waited for Sophie to press record. They were dancing to a tik tok sound when all of a sudden I jumped out and grabbed Sophie.

I flung her over my shoulder and started running away, making sure I was still in shot of her phone camera. Sophie let out a little squeal, surprised by what was going on. She was giggling uncontrollably, and I tried to hide the wide smile that was spread across my face from hearing her so happy.

Finally I put her back down and Jentzen walked over. "What was that about?" He laughed lightly. I shrugged. "Sometimes you just feel like ruining someone's tik tok" I joked. Jentzen smiled, rolling his eyes playfully.

Me and Jentzen had been friends for the longest time, and we were the type of friends who could joke around and have fun. He'd always been like a brother to me, and so it was hard for me to be mad at him for getting to be the one that Sophie cared for.

It's hard to hate your best friend. Even though I felt a pang of pain in my heart every time I saw the way she looked at him, I couldn't bring myself to be mad at Jentzen. It wasn't his fault that Sophie decided he was the one she should love.

"Hey, you didn't ruin the tik tok, you actually made it ten times funnier" Sophie reassured me kindly. "In fact, I'm gonna post it right now!" she exclaimed. I gave her a small smile before turning back to Jentzen.

"Are the rest of the squad here?" I asked him. Sophie was busy posting the tik tok. "Uhh, I don't think so" he responded with a shrug. I creased my eyebrows together in confusion. "Oh... then Sophie, what video are you filming that you need me for?" I asked.

As soon as those words left my mouth Sophie looked up at me nervously. "Uhh... Jentzen, could you go inside and grab me some water?" She asked sweetly. He nodded, walking off towards the house.

Me and Sophie were alone outside and the embarrassed look on her face only made me feel more nervous. "This is really awkward, but me and Hunter were talking about video ideas earlier and he actually suggested that I do a dating my crush's best friend for 24 hours video" Sophie mumbled shyly.

My eyebrows raised in shock and my jaw fell open. As soon as Sophie saw the look on my face she went completely red. "O-of course y-you don't have to the video! You're r-right, it was totally stupid, I should've never even-" she stuttered, tripping over all of her words.

Before she could finish I cut her off. "No, no, of course I'll help you with the video. Pfft why would it be awkward, we're best friends!" I exclaimed nervously. I felt like I was lying to myself.

I should be honest with myself and admit that I'll probably mess this up so bad. I'm going to make a mistake or a slip up and everything's going to go wrong!

How can I expect myself to date Sophie for 24 hours and be able to control myself?! This is going to be a nightmare... and a dream come true, all in one.

"Great!" Sophie grinned. "So it's settled. I'll go and tell Hunter we're going through with the video!"

Oh no.... lord, help me get through this without ruining everything.

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