6. Outro

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We'd arrived back to Sophie and Piper's house a while ago and we were now in the backyard getting ready to film Sophie's outro.

"Alright, I'm filming" Hunter informed us, picking up his camera. "Lev, there's something I need to tell you..." Sophie said, placing a hand on my shoulder. "What?" I asked in response.

"I..." she began. "I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE! We've been dating for a WHOLE DAY, and sure it's been nice, but I MISS JENTZEN!" She yelled at me.

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?!" I asked. She nodded. "Lev, I think we need to break up" she said, dramatically looking off into the distance.

There was a short pause, before I finally spoke up. "Thank god, FINALLY! So this means I can go back to Piper?!" I asked excitedly. Sophie nodded. "And I can go back to Jentzen! Speaking of Jentzen...."

Jentzen jumped out in front of the camera, standing right next to Sophie. "JENTZENNNNN!!" She yelled excitedly, wrapping her arms around him. The two of them giggled, stumbling backwards slightly.

"Alright guys well that was today's video, i hope you enjoyed and it was so much fun to film! Don't forget to like, subscribe and turn on those post notificationsss! I'll leave all our social media's down below in the description" she informed the camera.

"Hey, maybe if you guys get this video to 50k likes Piper and Jentzen will do this video for their channel" Sophie suggested, shrugging. "Have an amazing day and I'll see y'all in my next videooo" Sophie signed off.

Hunter cut the camera. "Great job guys, I think we got a great video. I bet the fans are gonna love it!" He exclaimed. Jentzen shrugged. "Yeah, I guess..." he mumbled.

"You ok Jentzen?" Sophie asked with concern. She turned to look at him, cupping his cheek in her hand. "Yeah, I'm fine, just that your guys' acting was really good today. You looked like you were actually having a lot of fun together..."

Sophie sighed, hugging Jentzen. "That's just because we're such good friends, right Lev?" She asked. The word 'friends'  stung a little, but I brushed it off. "Yep, exactly" I replied, forcing a smile.

"We're like brother and sister if anything" Sophie added. Upon hearing that, I couldn't stop myself from scrunching my face up in disgust. That just makes everything I've ever felt about Sophie seem ten times weirder...

"Uhh guys why don't we go find Piper" I suggested, trying to swiftly change the topic. I may or may not have also just not wanted to see Sophie and Jentzen hug for any longer right in front of me...

"Sure" Sophie agreed, pulling away from Jentzen to come walk towards the house. "I'm pretty sure she just got out of vocal lessons" Jentzen casually informed as he followed us into the house.

"Uhh.. how do you know?" Sophie asked, giving Jentzen a sceptical look. Jentzen's face was heating up slightly, and he looked away nervously. "W-we were uhh just texting" he admitted while stuttering.

I ignored him, instead looking around the kitchen. "PIIIIIIIIIIIPEEEEERRRR" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I heard some movement upstairs and soon I heard Piper making her way towards the kitchen.

Once she was in the kitchen she looked at me with a smile. "Omg, Levy!!!" She yelled excitedly, running over to me and embracing me in a hug. "I missed you so much, you were like, gone the whole day!" She exclaimed.

Finally we let go of the hug, but I took her hand in mine. Despite anything, of course I still cared about Piper. She was one of my best friends, not to mention my girlfriend.

I love Piper so much... I'm just not sure if I love her the way I should love her. I used to wonder if maybe this was just the way love was supposed to be - comfortable, and something that builds overtime.

But then I realised... everything I was supposed to be feeling with Piper, I felt with Sophie. There was just something about me and Piper where I couldn't get things to click. I guess you can't force yourself to feel things that aren't there.

Regardless, I still did everything I could to make her happy. I still loved her even if I wasn't in love with her, and I cared about her and her feelings so much - so I try to be the best boyfriend to her that I can, cause it's what she deserves.

I leaned over and placed a quick kiss on her cheek, smiling as I pulled away. "Wow, you guys are so sweet together" Sophie commented. Even though there was a smile on her face, something in her eyes looked sad.

I caught her looking over at Jentzen, almost as if wishing he would act the same way with her. Or maybe that's just my imagination again.

"Right, well if you don't mind, I want to spend a bit of time with Lev, but first Sophie can you come upstairs with me for a second?" Piper asked. Sophie nodded, walking over to Piper.

"Well, see you guys in a second" she announced, but before she leaved she punched Jentzen in the shoulder in a friendly way. I noticed Jentzen had no reaction - in fact, he laughed. Huh, that's strange...

As soon as I saw the girls leave I turned to Jentzen with a suspicious look on my face. "Hey Jentzen" I called over to him. "Yeah?" He replied as he looked over to me, a smile still on his face.

"I thought you said you hurt your shoulder, at least, that's what you told Sophie in the car earlier" I pointed out. As soon as those words left my mouth, the smile fell from Jentzen's face.

"Whatever..." Jentzen mumbled, pushing past me as he walked out of the room. I guess that's all he has to say when he gets caught lying.

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