4. Car rides

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I sighed, sitting down on the couch. Hunter walked in, looking at the time on his watch. "Jentzen will be back soon with the suit" Hunter commented. I nodded, pulling my phone out of my pocket.

Since we were going to film in a fancy restaurant we decided it would be cute to do a part in the video where we dressed up fancy. Sophie was upstairs changing into a dress, and since I wasn't prepared with a suit Jentzen ran home to get one I could wear.

A knock on the door grabbed my attention and I immediately got up to go answer it. Jentzen was on the other side of the door holding a suit in his hands. I smiled, stepping aside so he could walk in.

"Nice suit" I remarked. He handed it over to me. "If it's so nice then go put it on" he replied in a goofy tone. I laughed, taking the suit and walking in to a separate room to change. Finally I was in the suit, but Sophie still hadn't come downstairs.

"Geez, girls always take so long to get ready" Jentzen complained. I shrugged. "Maybe you're just mad she's getting all dressed up for me and not for you" I teased. Jentzen shoved my shoulder, laughing as he knew I was only joking.

Finally we heard Sophie's voice. "HUNTER, I'M READY, YOU CAN START FILMING!" She yelled from upstairs. Hunter grabbed his camera so he could film our reaction seeing Sophie for the first time.

"Alright Sophie, come down!" Hunter called out. We heard her footsteps descending down the stairs, and eventually she was in our sight. The moment I saw her I could've sworn my jaw dropped all the way down to the ground. Even Jentzen was standing there in awe.

Sophie nervously tucked a loose strand of hair behind her hair. "What, is something wrong?" Sophie asked shyly. "Wha- no!" I blurted out.

Sophie sighed. "Then why are you looking at me like that?" She asked. I took a deep breath, my heart pounding. "Because you look beautiful..."

As soon as those words left my mouth, Sophie's cheeks tinted a dark red. "Uh, thanks Lev" she muttered, letting out a small giggle.

"Bro..." Jentzen remarked, looking at me with his arms folded. "Are you really just gonna say that about my crush right in front of me?" He questioned.

I held my hands up in defence. "In all fairness I'm dating her for the day, so I can say whatever I want" I replied. "I mean, he's not wrong... Sophie does look pretty good" Hunter butted in.

"Guys, you're making me nervous!" Sophie laughed. Her laugh was contagious, and I couldn't stop a smile from spreading across my face. "Alright, lets go" i announced, walking up to Sophie and grabbing her hand.

I led her out of the house, Hunter still filming us until he finally cut the camera. Even though he wasn't filming any more, I didn't let go of Sophie's hand.

"Alright guys, so the plan here is that you two go out on this 'date' , but Jentzen is going to pretend to be spying on you. Jentzen, your role is to play the jealous boyfriend. Can you do that for me?" Hunter asked him.

Jentzen nodded. "So you want me to like, get jealous and pretend I'm mad?" Jentzen questioned. "Yes, exactly!" Hunter responded. "Alright guys, lets go!"

Hunter unlocked the car and we all piled in. I sat next to Sophie on one side and Jentzen sat on the other side of her. "Hunter, how long is the drive?" Sophie asked politely.

"Uhh, about 25 minutes" he responded. Sophie yawned. "Ok, I think I'll rest for a bit" she mumbled tiredly. She leaned towards Jentzen, resting her head on his shoulder.

Jentzen sighed. "Sophie, can you not lean on me? I hurt my shoulder doing a backflip" he scoffed in an annoyed tone. "Oh..." Sophie mumbled.

I could see a look of hurt on her face, and it made my heart sad, so I decided to do something I probably shouldn't have. "Sophie, come here" I comforted.

I pulled her towards me, leaning back so that she could comfortably lay on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her. "Try and sleep" I whispered to her.

She let out a small breath, soon falling into a light sleep. Once she was asleep, I glared at Jentzen with a mad expression.

"Jentzen" I whispered to get his attention. He looked over at me with a bored expression. "Hmm?" He hummed. "Why are you being so rude to Sophie?" I whispered over to him in a harsh tone.

He creased his eyebrows together in confusion. "How am I treating her bad? You're making no sense" he remarked, letting out a sarcastic laugh. I rolled my eyes.

"Jentzen... you just hurt her feelings and it's like you don't even care" I pointed out. Now it was Jentzen's turn to roll his eyes. "I'm so nice to her on camera, I'm always giving the fans Jophie content" Jentzen argued.

I scoffed. "Is that all you care about? Using her for content? Jentzen, do you really even like her? Whenever the camera isn't on it's like she's not even there.." I replied.

Jentzen folded his arms over. "Of course I like her, but it seems like I'm not the only one the way you've been all over her all day" he remarked in a sassy tone. I sighed in frustration.

"Just because I don't treat her like trash doesn't mean I'm all over her. I've probably given her more attention off-camera today then you've given her in the past week" I spat out, growing more angry with Jentzen.

Jentzen scoffed, looking away. "Whatever Lev..." he mumbled under his breath. Exactly what I thought, he had nothing to say because he knows I'm right.

"We're here" Hunter called out from the front of the car. I looked down, brushing Sophie's hair out of her face. I wish I could've stayed there with her all day, watching how adorable she is when she sleeps. But sadly, I had to wake her up.

"Sophie..." I gently called out, shaking her softly. She groaned, beginning to wake up. "We're here" I whispered. She yawned, stretching out and moving away from me.

"Thanks for letting me sleep, I feel a lot better" she thanked me kindly. I grinned. "No problem, I make a great bed, don't I?" I joked, causing Sophie to laugh.

"Yeah, Piper should know" Jentzen butted in, trying to be a part of the conversation. Sophie looked down sadly. "You don't think Piper will be mad at me, right?" She asked innocently.

"Of course not!" I protested. "Piper is all about making good content, and I'm sure she'll do the same video with Jentzen soon" I added. Sophie agreed.

We all got out of the car and started making our way over to the restaurant. "Alright guys, get ready to film!" Hunter announced.

I was about to have a date with Sophie. Even though it was just for a video, something deep down inside me was excited - even if I didn't want to admit it.


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