3. Shooting... shots?

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"Hey guys whats up!" Sophie yelled at the camera. "Today I'm here with my crush Jentzen and my best friend Lev!" She introduced us by pointing.

"So Jentzen" she began with a smirk. "Do you have any idea what video we're filming today?" She asked evilly. Jentzen shook his head. "No, you didn't tell me" he replied.

"Well, today we're going to be filming......... DATING MY CRUSH'S BEST FRIEND FOR 24 HOURSSSS!!!!" Sophie yelled at the top of her lungs. I gasped, pretending to act shocked.

"Are you saying you want us to date?! But what about Piper? And what about Jentzen?" I argued, acting for the camera. "Hey, who said you're my best friend?" Jentzen butted in. "Yeah, I'll actually be dating Sawyer" Sophie joked, trying not to laugh.

"Just kidding guys!" Sophie yelled as she turned back to the camera. "I'll be dating Lev, which is super awkward cause he's my best friends boyfriend!" Sophie whispered into the camera lens.

Jentzen sighed, looking at Lev. "Listen man, I'll give you a free pass but JUST FOR TODAY. If I see any funny business then this challenge is OVER!" Jentzen warned me as he pointed a finger in my face.

I nodded. "Dude, I'm literally dating Piper" I replied with a small laugh. "I know" he replied. "And besides, I trust you anyways" Jentzen reassured, patting my shoulder.

"Ok, well let's get in to the videooooooo" Sophie sang. Finally Hunter cut the camera. "That was great guys" Hunter complimented. "Especially you Jentzen, you looked like you were actually mad" Hunter added.

Jentzen shrugged. "Do you need me for the next part?" He asked casually. "No, but we'll need you later in the video" Hunter informed him.

"Alright" Jentzen shrugged. "I'm gonna go inside for a while then. Lev, do whatever you want with Sophie, I don't really care. Just do whatever you want to get good content and I'll see you later" he stated before walking off into the house.

I know it's just for a video but... does Jentzen really not care? It makes me mad that he doesn't even feel protective of Sophie... it's like he's not even interested in her. Or maybe he just trusts me enough to think anything that happens between us is strictly platonic, but something deep inside me told me that wasn't the case.

"Alright, what should we do first?" Sophie asked Hunter. Hunter thought for a moment before starting to walk and indicating for us to follow. He pointed at the outside chair and told me to sit on it.

"First you guys should cuddle just like Lev and Piper do" Hunter instructed. Sophie looked at the chair doubtfully. "Uhh, Hunter... the chair is really small" Sophie pointed out.

"I know, you're gonna sit on Lev's lap" he instructed casually. My brain nearly exploded after hearing what he'd just said. Sophie Fergi was going to be sitting on my lap?!

"Lev, are you ok with that happening?" Sophie asked considerably. It was so sweet of her to check that it was ok with me first. My heart warmed at how thoughtful and caring she is as a person.

"You can do whatever you want with me for your video" I responded nicely. She blushed, walking over to me and slowly lowering herself into my lap. Hunter sighed. "Sophie, you look like you're scared of him, at least cuddle into him a little!" Hunter criticised.

Sophie listened, getting into a more comfortable position and wrapping her arms around my waist. She laid her head on my chest and I silently begged she couldn't hear how fast my heart was beating.

Hunter picked up the camera and started filming. As if he had just walked up to us and seen us like this. "Woah woah guys, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!" Hunter asked in a voice of fake surprise.

"Uhh... cuddling?" I responded as if it was obvious. "Exactly, we're cuddling just like Lev and Piper do" Sophie chimed in. Her voice was so cute that I couldn't help but smile a little. Hunter clearly picked up on it.

"Careful Lev, you look like you're enjoying this a little too much. If Piper saw this she'd probably be dragging you around the house and yelling!" Hunter joked.

I rolled my eyes playfully, looking down at Sophie. "Hey Soph, are you hungry?" I asked softly. She nodded her head. I moved my arms to wrap around her and slowly stood up, so that I was holding her.

I carried her all the way to the kitchen and finally sat her down at the counter. "What do you want to eat?" I asked as I looked through the fridge. "Well I'm a vegetarian so-" she began but I cut her off.

"Ah, you're right, you're a vegetarian!" I exclaimed. "We could've just stayed outside then, there was all that grass for you to eat" I joked smugly, a smirk overtaking my face. Sophie groaned, rolling her eyes at me.

"Lev I swear to god, if you make one more joke about me being a vegetarian-" she warned, although I could see she was trying not to laugh. Her eyes were lit up as if our joking had made her feel a playful sense of happiness, and I couldn't help but love that I had the power to make her feel that way.

"There's nothing in here" I whined, closing the fridge door shut. Sophie hummed as she thought for a second. Behind the camera Hunter mouthed the word 'postmates' and Sophie seemed to catch on.

"Hey, how about we order some postmates!" She suggested happily. I thought for a short moment before deciding to take an opportunity. We hadn't talked about doing this before the video, but I was taking the risk by doing it anyways.

"Or, I could take you out on a date at a nice restaurant" I offered. I tried to act like this was planned and cover up the fact that my heart was almost beating out of my chest from how nervous I was.

Sophie looked at me in surprise before turning to look at Hunter to be told what to say, or for permission to say yes. Hunter just shrugged and nodded as if telling her to go along with it.

"Ok then, let's go I guess" she shrugged, hopping off her stool. I released a deep breath. Wow, guess I'm going out with Sophie...

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