I'll Protect You

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Akai Tsubasa woke up with Joker next to him, sleeping soundly with a small smile. He smiled at the silver hair boy, so cute. Why he didn't make him to stay with him more? Oh wait, those times he was still getting used to affection and only payed attention to go back home. He brushed the hair that was stuck on Joker's face and saw the scar Joker had. Huh, both Joker and Shadow had this, right? It's been so long, he already forgot about it.

Joker stirred in his bed and woke up, saw the fiery red head chicken Phoenix or where like to call him as Yawning Jerk. He smiled after remembering what happened yesterday. It was pretty romantic for an alien's way on confessing. But, are they official a thing? He doesn't really thought of it clearly. Maybe it was just a friendly worried? Joker already knew his true feelings for Akai, what about him? They both got ready and Akai decided to spend time with him as a couple. What do humans calls it, a date?

"Hey, Joker. Wanna hangout together, what do you call it, a date?" Akai asked innocently. Joker blushed at the part "date" since he thought that the fire chicken doesn't know anything other than confessing feelings and control fire as well as the knowledge of the entire universe.

"What?! Uh, well, um... Sure?" Joker said. Akai smiled happily. 

"Great, I'll meet you at 7 pm. See ya! I need to go to do something. Be right back." Akai said as he turns into Phoenix and flew off with Acrux. Joker was confused.

"What just happened?" Joker asked himself, not knowing that the others were listening to them this whole time.

"Akai asked you on a date, and you said "yes", need more explanation?" Little Rose said with a smile. Shadow was a bit worried for her sister.

"Uh, Rose, how can you be okay with this? Don't tell me..." Shadow asked his sister, and she smiled.

"I ship them. They need to get married. Queen, I bet Joker is bottom."

"I bet that too. Spade over there think Akai is bottom."

"Hey! Akai is bottom and you can't change that."

"I hate saying this, but I'm agreeing with my sister. Joker is bottom, end." Shadow agreed.

Joker stayed in his room, thought of the date that he'll be having soon. Should he wears something casual? Romantic? Sexy? Wait... Sexy? Nah, Akai isn't that of a pervert. He decided on a casual long sleeved white shirt, blue pants and a thin jacket to complete the look. Not too shabby he suppose.

He looked at the clock, and it was 6:50 pm. Phoenix should be back by now. Their date starts at 7 pm. As soon as he thought, he heard his voice is awed.

Akai came back after checking his ship and preparing his date with Joker. It's should be nice every once in a while. He puts on his normal flaming red jacket, the same ones as before. But there's a design difference. His hoodie was red, not green.

He came back towards Joker's room and was about to knock on the door when he heard Hachi, the young ninja talk to him.

"Akai-San, are you ready?" He asked. Akai nod.

"Yup, I'll make sure Joker will be happy, and hopefully mine." He knocked on Joker's door with a gentle voice. He looks inside and stared in awe. He looked, gorgeous. Was that the right word? Beautiful isn't enough, gorgeous sounds like it too. Fabulous? Maybe.

"U-um, are you just going to stare at me or..." Joker broke his thought with blushed on both of their faces.

"Oh, right. Follow me." They walked towards the exit door and Phoenix flew them both to a forest. The sky was getting darker and soon it was getting dark, the sky was covered with stars. How beautiful. The moon was shinning so brightly tonight. They got to the forest. There's something hidden there, and bright lights?

They landed and Joker was surprised. It was a fancy dinner, with his favorite food curry and a bottle of coke, since they can't have wine. No, they cannot get drunk.

"Wow, this is so beautiful." Joker commented. Akai blushed a bit.

"Really? I'm glad you like it. It took me a while." He said with a light chuckle, making Joker blushed more.

They say down and ate the dinner happily, talked about certain things and especially memories from the past.

Akai decided, it's time. He needs to tell Joker about the question he had in his mind for a while now, even while doing this romantic dinner.

"So, Joker... I have something to ask you about." Akai spoke. Joker looked at him and nod.

"Go ahead."

"Will, will you-" his words got cut of by a loud bang at Joker's blimp. It was smoking in the sky.

"Oh no! Hachi!" He shouted.

"Acrux!" Phoenix said as he flew with Joker towards the smoking blimp. They got inside and everything was a mess, so messy it's more messier than before. They walked and saw the other phantom thieves, bleeding. Hachi was weak as well. Phoenix helps the victims with his healing powers.

They woke up, and saw the two lovers.

"Ugh, what happen? Oh, Joker! Akai thank goodness your here!" Roko said as he helps Queen.

"What just happen? Why is it smoking?" Joker asked worriedly.

"Someone attacks the blimp. We don't know where or who... Sorry." Spade said. Shadow and Rose nod in ashamed.

"At leads everyone is okay." Akai said to help them all out. Joker wondered, who would attack them. He looked down after placing Hachi to the couch for resting when he saw a card.

He picked it up, it was a normal card, but some writings that made Joker filled with anger and mostly fear.

"What's wrong, Joker?" Akai asked when he saw the expression of Joker after looking at the card.

"... They came back..." Joker whispered. Akai couldn't hear it well.

"Excuse me?" Akai asked again. The other phantom thieves stared. Joker spoke again.

"They came back for revenge... My cousins... They are trying to kill me..." Joker said with tears. His cousins never cared for him. Not even his uncle's and auntie's. Heck, the only ones who cares for him was his parents and grandparents.

Akai felt sadness, depression came to Joker. He hugged him, saying soothing words and calm voices to help him. It worked.

"Joker, how about you go and rest. We'll talk later." Akai responded and brought him back to his room. Joker was still sad.

"Don't leave me alone, Yawning Jerk." Joker said. Akai only chuckled placed Joker closer to him, letting the warmth filled them up.

"Sleep well, my dear." Joker had fallen asleep when Akai said it. Akai sighed and kissed the thief's forehead with a smile.

"I'll protect you."

Kaitou Joker x Akai Tsubasa (Phoenix) Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now