The Evil Cousins

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Akai couldn't sleep. For the first time, he, the one who always falls asleep anywhere, couldn't fall asleep. He felt worried for Joker. His cousins? Why are his cousins are evil? Why trying to get revenge on Joker? Did he did something? He wasn't sure.

Akai got up and looked outside. The moon, it's more... Opaque than usual? Not bright, wait... He got closer to the window and saw a glimpse of a blimp, not getting close to the Joker's blimp but still. Akai knew he has to find out more about this soon, so he walked towards the others to discuss more about it.

"Ah, Phoenix. What's wrong?" Silver Heart asked.

"Please, call me Akai for now. I need to ask something about Joker and his cousins. Do you know something about it?" Akai asked. Silver Heart sighs.

"Yes, unfortunately. His story is very tragic. But, it's better for you to ask this from Joker himself. I'm not the right person to say it. The subject is very touchy." Akai nodded understanding. He saw the other blimp flew further away from them, that should be good. Why did they attack the blimp just to send a card? Wait, the card!

Akai rushed towards the room he and Joker asleep and found the card. He took it and read the content.

Our dear cousin, Jack. We are sending this advance note for your information. We are returned and will be watching you from afar. We'll make sure you pay for what you have done to us all. Don't worry, you'll join your, "mommy" and "daddy" soon enough. Be ready, Joker. We will attack.

-Your cousins

"Oh boy." Akai felt fear and evilness in those words. Why would they do this? This is going to be a bloody terrible fight. Akai put the card back on the table and got closer to Joker. He placed Joker's head on his thigh, calming the poor phantom thief down. Soon it'll be a very terrible day for them. But, they have to continue. You can't reset anything.

As Akai petted the smaller boy, his memories of their adventures flashed back. It was very fun and interesting. Joker had taught him so many things, but he never mentions anything about his own childhood life. Akai sighed as he smiles at the silver hair boy.

The next day, it was pretty quiet. Joker is thinking every possible way to defeat his cousins without hurting them. His memories about his cousins flashback. Akai noticed this and (by accident) went inside Joker's memories.

(Okay. Hold up! This is my headcannon that Akai can see and went inside one's memories. Continue on!)

Akai was in a foggy memory lane. He saw the past Joker, still has his parents. But then, his cousins came. They were holding a red marker.

"Hey look, it's Jack. Why don't we play a bit?" One of them asked with a snickered. It was a boy with spiky hair and black eyes. Next to him was a girl, a twin to the boy but with smooth straight hair and white eyes.

"P-please. I don't want to play yet. I'm still resting..." Joker, no, Jack says in fear. His arm has a cast on it, maybe from an accident?  The twins didn't care and just straight up doodling him with the marker. They both laughed at him and walked away. Akai felt anger by this. Jack was covered with the marker ink. How terrible. Good thing it's not permanent, or else.

The next scene came when Joker was practicing his tricks. He prepared a rope and a net to do his test. He was about to test it on himself when he heard a scream from his girl cousin.

"Ahhh!!! What the-?!" She screamed as she holds her face. The net hits her face and made a bloody scar. The boy was hurting his arm from the burning rope. Jack looked frightened. He rushed towards them panicking.

"Are you guys okay?! Ying?! Yang?! Speak to me please!" He plead. Akai was impressed. Jack still has a heart even though they had been hurting him for a long time. The twins looked angry.

"Look what you've had done! Now my face is bleeding and Yang's arm is burning!" The girl, Ying said angrily.

"I'm sorry! I thought of doing it on myself! Not you guys!" Ying pushed him down and took a tape and placed it on his wrist, mouth and feet.

"I'm telling out mother! Your parents should be ashamed of yourself!" Ying took Yang's, hand and bring him to their mother, leaving Jack fell weak and scared. His eyes were tearing up. Soon, an old woman came with another woman and two men.

"Look what you've had done! Now my children is hurt because of you, you mistake child!" The old woman shouted. The other woman tried to calm her down.

"Sis, calm down! We'll fix it. Okay?" Re woman says calmly. She got towards Jack and untangled him.

"Sweetheart, why did you hurt your cousins?" The nice woman, the mother asked gently.

"I didn't mean to. It was an accident. I'm sorry..." Jack says with tears in his eyes. It went red fast.

"I'm not buying it! Jack, I'll make sure your life will be hell! Come on, kids. We're outta here." The old woman says as she took her children's hands and her husband's arm who looked older that Jack's father. Jack cried more.

"It's okay, Jack. We're still here for you." His father said calmly as possible. He doesn't sound so angry? Just glad Jack is okay.

"Thank you..." Jack sniffled. Akai felt the sadness from Joker. No wonder he felt fear in his soul. Akai went back to the reality and looked at Joker's expression. It's, sad...

"Hey, it's going to be fine, okay?" Akai tried to cheer him up. Joker smile, but Akai knew it's fake.

"I know. Thanks..."

Akai thought in his head, what should he do to help?

Kaitou Joker x Akai Tsubasa (Phoenix) Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now