Chapter Four

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I came up to Jet who's looking at the drug center. "Found your medicine yet?"

"Nope, still searching."

"Let's just ask the lady on the counter."

"I wanna find it myself." Stubborn ass.

I am accompanying Jet to the drug store to buy whatever the hell he needs. He said he needed to buy some medicine, but he didn't tell me what.

I decided to wander over the place, and found a person.

A female.

A young woman.

My life is like a movie right now, out of all the people.

Though, right now she's looking over at the condom section.

Well, fuck.

I never thought I was hoping for something, anything actually, until now. I thought the stutters and the looking at her in a different way was just because I had a good talk with her, because I'll admit, for me talking to a new person is a challenge. But with her... I enjoy talking to her.

Whatever hope I was having with her is now ruined though. Of course she has a boyfriend, she's Mary Anne.

Her one hand is on her knee, with her other hand flicking the box of the condoms, her curls are almost covering up half of her face and her confused look is very steady.

I could just stand here looking at her all day. Why have I never seen her in this way before? I never would have thought I would be this interested in someone in such a brisk time.

Should I come up to her? I think I should. Now knowing that she has a boyfriend, I don't really give a shit if I made a fool of myself. And wouldn't it be weirder if I pretended that she wasn't here? Even though she hasn't seen me yet.

Oh what the hell, maybe I just wanted to talk to her.

I walk over to her with confidence that, I'll admit, is pretty rare for me, "Hey."

She stands up straight, her hair flipping back. She should be in a hair commercial or something.

"Alan? What are you doing here?" She smiles, I instantly feel a sudden glee in me.

"I think the better question is, what are you doing here?" I flick my eyes over the condoms. So many variations. I've never bought one though.

She looks at it silent for a moment then she looks back at me. "Oh, you think I--," She stops, "No no, you see, I'm just accompanying my friend Madison."

"Where is your friend Madison?" I asked a little suspiciously, but still trying to keep it chill. Madison, a boy right?

"She's in the bathroom." I hope that story is true.

"You thought I was going to have sex?" She asked, confused.

Shit, she really had to ask me that.

Then, the other most horrific thing happened. Let's talk about sex started playing on the speaker. What? What in the world? We are in the pharmacy, for crying out loud. Her looks started to gain more confusion, then she laughed. "Well this is kinda awkward."

"No shit." I laughed with her, "By the way it was just a thought. Sorry."

"I'm not ever going to have sex again soon." Again? Well, I guess it's pretty normal for american teens to lose their virginity before college. I read once that the average age is around 17 years old. I like facts.

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