chaper 8

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Sooo...... secret identity. Wow! I had always thought that some superheroes were EXTREMELY bad at keeping their identity safe. But now, even though nobody suspects me, i feel like i need to create an elaborate story which was bound to be believed by people.

Remember when I asked the crystal gems what bloodstones first move would be? Well it was sending majorly corrupted gems to earth. Corrupted gems are gems that have in simple words, gone rogue. They turn into monsters and destroy everything and everyone around them. Amethyst told me that even steven got corrupted because he put others needs and happiness before his and it slowly started eating him up. He was cured though; through the consolation of his close friends and family.

We were watching TV when there was breaking news that a monster was attacking the city. We immediately went to that area.
I suddenly had the thought; I can't do this! I don't know how to! I'm going to die and kill everyone else's lives too!

I think that garnet saw the worry in my face. She reassured me,"its going to be ok, you have prepared well and you can do this. Just remember to be alert."

And I tried to do exactly that. When I reached the place I saw the gem. She wasn't that big but I did see that the police and some officials were torturing the poor thing it was short but long. It was as tall as a doorway, but a little longer than a bus. It also looked similar to a dinosaur; but brightly coloured.

It was screaming with pain and I felt pity for it. Clearly I display my emotions quite vividly because this time steven saw the sympathy in my eyes. He said," we usually first try to calm it down, and if that doesn't work, we have to hurt it till it becomes a harmless gem without a body."

Then we got into action. Thousands of reporters gathered around us and started clicking photos. It was scaring the creature even more. We asked connie to deal with the press. She went and explained to the reporters who we were, which kept them busy.
And ofcourse she mentioned everyone's name except mine. She just called me emerald.

Meanwhile, me and the crystal gems were trying to get the corrupted gem to stop moving. Pearl used an extended pole to stop it, garnet used her strength, amethyst used her whip, steven used his sword and shield and I mostly used the weapons created with emerald.

We managed to hold it and we put enough pressure on it that it should have lost its physical form, but it somehow managed to break free.

It was going to step on us. We did not have enough energy in us to fight back. And worse, I couldn't hold on anymore.

There's only one solution. Stopping time.
I closed my eyes and thought of it really hard. When I opened my eyes, I saw that nothing happened.
I panicked. I couldn't do it. I never really figured out how I did it.

So i was doomed.
We were all doomed.
I failed the world on my first try.
I was never meant to do this.
I was going to die.

Tears started forming in my eyes and it made my vision blurry.

I'm so sorry...... I mumbled.

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