chapter 12

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It was a normal school day..... or was it? It wasn't, the alarm rang when we were in math. I had to follow zoe's plan to get out. Luckily, our teacher decided to go out of the class to inform the teachers and students. That was my chance to get out.
I somehow managed to sneak out of the class with zo without drawing attention to ourselves.
I had to stop time quite a bit since there were crowds of people running to their classes. Zoe and I managed to get out of the school somehow and she wished me luck before I went for battle.
She gave me a two fingered salute and went back inside the building.

When I reached the venue, I saw that the gem was much, much bigger than the previous one. It was as big as a 10 storied building! I saw the crystal gems trying to stop the gem and I immediately went to help them.

"We have to bubble it." Said steven.
"we have to make it just a gem." Said garnet.

By now I kinda knew how to control my powers, it came with the emotion. If I felt like I needed it, it would appear.

When the gem would try to destroy something, I would stop time and do something about it.
But we still had not found a way to bubble it.

I was on  top of a building to try and reach its face. I had managed to find its gem, which was  on its face, and I wanted to attack it from there.

So I did! And it worked! Using my emerald sword, I managed to hit it and it became weak. Taking this opportunity,  the rest of the crystal gems put in all their energy and FINALLY, it reduced to its original form.

But what I didn't realise is I was on the gem, so when it went, i started falling.......
I was falling 10 floores above the ground.......
There was nothing for me to hold on to.......
And no one to save me..........
This was it........
This was the end..........

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