chapter 15

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Every other day bloodstone would send a corrupted gem to attack us and we would somehow defeat it. And surprisingly, my classmates Mark and Shaun were being nosier that usual. Anyway, this happend for a month now, and the crystal gems were tired of trying to find out where he is.

But today, our search ended.

"Where could he possibly be? We searched almost the whole universe!" Said pearl.
"Have we searched in the-" steven said before he was cut off by a deep, frightening voice.
"PATHETIC! You couldn't come to me so I had to come to you. I can see how powerful you are now. I can pick you one by one....."

"Bloodstone! Where are you?" Asked garnet.
"Inside each and every one of your heads...... do you have an idea of how powerful I am NOW? I will annihilate you in no time."

We were all confused and scared at the same time. He could control our brains? That was of unspeakable power.

Each one of us could hear him speaking in our heads....... it was horrible. But he didn't use his full power yet. He was just ranting about how great he is. It was annoying, you know, like an annoying self-obsessed friend.

"Everybody stop thinking about bloodstone! Dont let him get into your head! Distract yourself!"said garnet.

So I started thinking about things that made me happy, like singing, movies, my friends, food etc. My brain eventually tuned out his voice. And all of the gems were strong enough to do this too.

The last thing I think I heard from him was 'I haven't done anything yet, this is just the tip of the iceberg........'

"He'll be back. I know he will. So we are going to have to start getting control of our brains. " said Steven.

How do I do this!?? He can control me anytime, from anywhere, and he can even pollute my brain, making me go to his side!
I really hope this won't harm earth. I took responsibility of it, and anything that happens to it is going to be my fault.

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