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i've talked to my family since the whole incident and they're still trying to get help with the situation and the house. i'm still with the group and my mom and dad are still staying with finneas and claudia as of now.
i turned over and looked to see zoe next to me and que on the ground. i don't even render falling asleep like this but i guess zoe came in and air let her sleep up here. i woke them both up because a bitch can't be up by herself the fuck.

"zoe, que, get up i'm hungry" i said loudly as i shook zoe by her shoulders. "billie what the hell" she said sitting up. she look tired still and i laughed "i'm hungry" i repeated. eventually, que sat up "you better be grateful as hell its you because if anybody else woke me up like that, we not speaking for a few weeks" i laughed at his response but he still seemed to look serious.

"let's go get some food" i told them both. "billie, go fix a bowl of fruit or some shit" zoe told me. i sighed, they're so fucking grouchy. que stood up in his t shirt and basketball shorts he slept in, and walked downstairs to do something, don't know what though.

zoe picked up the remote and turned the tv on, she changed the channel to disney and sat back.

"you deadass?" i asked her


"are watching disney channe?"

"adult shows are boring hush" she told me. i laughed at the sight of her pouting afterwards. after a couple of more minutes passed, que came back up from downstairs with a bowl filled with bananas, strawberries, and grapes and placed it on my lap. "oh, thank you" i told him, not expecting the gesture. "no problem, do you want some?" he asked looking towards zoe. "no i'm good" she responded.

que pushed himself to also fit on the bed as we were watching disney channel and i was eating my fruit. i laughed at him struggling to balance on the bed but he finally got up here. zoe looked as if she was about to jump in the fucking tv with how concentrated she was. "you're so cute" i heard a whisper. i looked over to que and laughed. "run that back" i told him. "nothing" we both just smiled knowing what he said. of course i still wish xavier was here with me but i'm so grateful that i have my best friend zoe here with me still and one of the best friends i could ask for, brandon here with me.

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