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i put on some red jordan's as i got ready to leave. there was a party that denzel was going to and he invited our friend group. i walked to the bathroom, and put on some perfume, aquaphor cause i don't have time for crusty bootyhole lips. i decided to fluff out my hair a bit to give it more volume  

(idk how caucasian hair works i'm sorry)

i texted the group chat telling them i was about to head out. i picked up my car keys and walked towards the front door "by mom, bye dad!" i waved to my parents as i walked through the door.

unlocking my car, i got in and listened to j cole cause why not. i backed out of our driveway and started driving down the highway since the party was a bit far


i've been driving for about 20 minutes now, now listening to childish gambino. i looked in my rear view mirror just to see what's going on, my eyes widening seeing a red car swerving behind me

i tried to switch lanes hoping they wouldnt hit me, the driver continued swerving, almost as if they're drunk. i've never been this situation and i don't know what the hell to do.

i started to severely panic as i felt a large impact, now seeing, hearing, or feeling anything shortly afterwards.


shortly after billie misfortune, many police sirens started to sound, the ambulance started rushing onto the roads. as the police investigated the situation, they found a drunk driver, with a 6 year old child in the back, both with no injuries, but billie on the other hand, completely unconscious and currently not taking any breaths

the ambulance quickly took a hold of her small body carrying her on the stretcher into the truck, making sure to get her driver's license, so they could identify her and contact family.

the paramedics started checking to find a pulse which they found after not too long, but she still wasn't breathing and began providing ventilations until she was breathing on her on own, but still unconscious and verbally unresponsive

she also appeared to have a few deep cuts in her stomach from the thick glass of the window and all her limbs appeared to be injured, her left arm seeming broken.

"coming to see billie o'connell ma'am?" the polite nurse asked maggie as zoe, patrick, finneas, and brandon, and claudia all stood behind her. "and is she familiar with all these people? it's best our patients feel as comfortable as possible and never pressured or stressed" the nurse added on "yes ma'am, these are all family and friends" the nurse smiled and nodded her head as she stepped to the side letting them in, "i'll give you guys some free time to communicate with her, she's still not fully aware of everything though so take it easy please"she completed, stepping out of the room

(back to billies pov)

i heard the talking of my mom, dad, brother, claudia and brandon, and zoe talking to the nurse but she soon left. they started to walk towards the bed i was on "hiiii" i dragged out with a huge grin on my face, i don't really feel myself but i don't feel necessarily bad either. everyone responded saying hi or waving. i turned my head to look at them but instantly winced at the pain. "why you guys so fancy?" i asked zoe and brandon, they looked good, like they were going somewhere "we were going to the party you were on your way too but we came to see you"  brandon said. "what party? i don't remember going to a party" i responded.

zoe chuckled a bit at my confusion "billie, you were coming to a party denzel invited us too, but a drunk driver wrecked your car, and you were unconscious until a little while ago" ohhh, i started to remember what happened now "oh" i responded to her.

i saw a red cast on my left arm "what's this for?" i asked, pointing to it with my other arm. everyone started laughing "dumb billie is kinda funny" finneas chuckled, i frowned, i don't like them laughing at me i'm really confused, what happened to my arm?

"well, you broke your arm, but that is your only serious injury, you have cuts, scrapes and bruises and you're most likely in a lot of pain, but that'll go away a lot quicker than the broken arm" my dad explained. i nodded my head.

i put my right arm out, signaling i wanted a hug from everyone, zoe bent down and delicately gave me a hug, so did my mom, dad, finneas, claudia, and brandon. brandon stood back up but i used my good arm to grab his hand and pull him back "kiss" i told him. he laughed and bent down to peck my lips, i smiled brightly. "another one" he gave me another kiss making my smile grow. "ew" zoe said. "one more" i asked. "this is disgusting" finneas commented and everyone in the room laughed.

"why the hell are y'all so touchy?" zoe asked us. "OH! we never told you. we're dating now" brandon told her. "thank god, y'all aren't fuck buddies anymore"  she added, looking at the hickies that i just now realized my hospital gown exposed.

"these were showing the entire time?" i asked upset. "unfortunately" my mom told me. i sighed but eventually started laughing

i have ideassss, i'm so happy cause lately my brain has been dry as fuck and ideas just arent a thing anymore😭

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