Chapter One

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ahh here it is! The first chapter! Okay now everything in italic is the lyrics to the songs! Now, don't go commenting saying "what lyrics wot" because we have expressed that this is based off of a musical :) now, everything won't be word for word, but there will be lines from the movie and such in here :) oh and everything that happened in this chapter happened in the movie and I'll even try to get a video of it for you

now... enjoy! :D


♪♥♪Chapter One♪♥♪

"December 24th, 9pm, eastern-standard time," Zayn Malik muttered into his crank-camera. He moved it around so that who-ever would see the film would see the street. A man probably in his late forties was sitting on a mat behind a light-pole. A girl probably around around Zayn's age (22) was standing at the corner, playing a guitar, trying to earn some money. Though, it seemed like she wasn't getting any. "Here on end, I shoot without a script," Zayn mumbled, moving the camera in a circle to get a full view of the street, "Instead of my own shit..." Zayn trailed off as he put the lens cap over the lens and attached it to his beat-up bike.

He then climbed onto it and started riding, swerving around cars. The cold air pushed past him.

"How do you document real-life when real-life's getting more like fiction each day? Headlines, breadlines, blow my mind and now this dead-line... eviction of pay... Rent!"

Just blocks away, Harry Styles was sitting in a run-down apartment. He was sitting on the beat-up couch strumming at a guitar, trying to find a simple chord. "How do you right a song when the chords sound wrong, thought they once sounded right and rare? When the notes are sour-" Suddenly, the dimly lit light suddenly went out. Harry, frustrated, stood up and went over to the power-box. "Where is the power? You once had to ignite the air!"

"When we're hungry and frozen!" Zayn pulled up to the same apartment building that he and his room-mate, none other than Harry, lived in.

"Some life that we chosen!" Harry flinched back as the power-box gave him a small shock.

Zayn narrowed his brown eyes as he pulled an eviction notice off the front door of the building. He entered the building and held his bike as he walked up the stairs and into the apartment he shared with Harry.

"How we gonna pay? How we gonna pay? How we gonna pay last year's rent?" Zayn thrust the flier into Harry's hands. Harry quickly read over it, his eyes widening very slightly.

The lone phone than rang. Zayn went over to the phone and answered it. "Hello?" He said into the receiver.

"Hey Zayn, guess who's back? It's Payne, throw down the key," His ex-room-mate (and current best friend) Liam Payne said on the other line. Zayn grabbed the keys and hurried out to the fire-escape. He instantly saw Payne standing at the phone-booth on the side-walk.

"Hey!" Zayn called as he threw down the keys. He saw them miss Payne's hands but didn't think twice about it and headed back into the apartment.

Though, to Zayn and Payne's obliviousness, when he bent down to pick up the keys three muggers were gathering behind him. Once he did stand up, he started walking to the direction of the building. Though, one of the muggers grabbed him and punched him. "Oh shit!" Payne hissed as he fought back. He punched one of the other muggers coming near him and was able to run away. Though, he didn't run to the apartment building, knowing they'd just follow him in. So, he started running down the street. He ran into an alley way but soon tripped, causing the muggers to catch up to him. They then attacked him, punching him and throwing him against the wall.

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