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My breathing rate increased as I stared at Harry from across the room.  Weeks of preparation and build up, yet I was suddenly terrified with the realization of what I was about to do. 

“Yes,” I managed before glancing down at my minimal sleepwear, consisting solely of an extremely large green tee that fit more like a dress than a shirt.  Harry seemingly notice my discomfort in regards to my appearance.

“Um,” he stammered, “Do you uh want to change.  I mean it’s quite humid there right now so you should be fine in that, but if you would feel more comfortable in something else.  Er I’ll just—uh I could turn arou-- .”

“Harry,” I but in, “Relax.”  I felt like a hypocrite telling him this while my own hands were shaking with nerves.

I walked past him and approached my drawers, digging through the top one for a pair of cloth shorts and a bra.  I could not help but notice the blatant shift in the atmosphere.  Every move I made felt awkward and over analyzed.  I had never felt so frazzled in his presence before.

Harry was turned around, pretending to find interest in the pictures hanging on my wall while I discreetly slid a bra on under my shirt.

I found a pair of black shorts and pulled them up quickly.  Harry peaked over his shoulder as I did so, catching my eye before abruptly snapping his head in the other direction.

“I’m sorry,” he blurted, “I—uh, sorry.” 

I laughed.  “It’s okay Harry.  It’s not like you saw anything.”

He spun around and offered up a weak smile, his cheeks slightly reddened.  He was acting incredibly strange, maybe even overreacting to the entire situation which made it much more uncomfortable than it should have been.

I tied up my tee shirt to the side in a knot with a hair elastic, shortening the extreme length to just above my hips.  My eyes drifted back up to Harry who was still smiling softly at me and holding the bag we packed the night before.

“All set?” he asked.

I gulped.  “Yeah.”

We both transitioned to the outside via the window as we have done so many times before.  I followed close behind as he stopped just short of the edge of the roof. 

The night air was bone chilling and crisp, almost so pure that each star in the sky seemed to glisten and shine even brighter than usual.  I looked to Harry as he peered over the edge and smirked to himself.

I let my eyes travel to the location he appeared to be staring at, but was disappointed to only discover the blank page of white snow that covered the hilly landscape.

I felt a warmth press against the back of my hand and instinctually flinched it away.


Harry’s loud voice made me flinch one again.  I shifted my focus towards him to see the playful smirk that still adorned his lips.  Just as the stars were more lustrous tonight, so were his eyes.  I was so mesmorized that I barely noticed him lacing his long fingers through mine. 

I looked down to watch his hand engulf mine with warmth and reassurance.

“Uh—what are-- ?”

“Ready to jump?” He asked enthusiastically.


“The portal is down there.”  He used his free hand to point at the ground below us.  “Don’t ask me why the person who created it decided to make it so.”

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