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The man's alcohol potent breath wrapped its hot tendrils around my neck, suffocating me. My breaths came out in quick huffs the closer his face got to mine.

"What do you want? I said, satisfied with the strength I somehow found in my voice.

"What makes you think I want something?" Hart smiled, revealing his terrifyingly white and aligned teeth.

People often talk about auras and vibes and maybe it was because I was in such a hippy-tastic store, but I felt like I could sense this man's aura. And boy was it dark. Despite the brightness of his smile and the lightness of his eyes, the color rimming his person was black, a dreadful and bottomless black. Despite his hot breathe and the sweat droplets gathering in the crevice above his lip, I felt his coldness ripple through my body. Goosebumps rose through the skin on my arms and my fingertips numbed.

"You don't scare me," I said although my accelerating heart would disagree.

His well-groomed brows rose. "That's good kitten. I don't want you to be afraid."

I grunted and squinted my eyes. "Enough with the kitten crap." I placed my hand on his chest to push him back a few inches, but he was quick to trap it under his own, jewel drenched fingers gripping like tentacles.

When I was finally able to wiggle free, he threw his head back and let out a chill inducing chuckle. I could see the Adam's apple rising and falling in his thin throat and the scabbed cut on his lip cracking open as his lips spread.

"Leave me alone," I said and looked down the aisle in search of Harry, but he was nowhere to be seen. No big deal, I would just have to confront this evil pirate renown for committing the most hideous crimes known to man on my own. This is the adventure you wanted, right Waverly?

"Looking for someone?" Hart's cringe worthy voice brought me crashing back to the reality in front of me.


It was times like these I wished I had taken acting classes or signed up for the school play. Learning to act and lie would prove to be very beneficial to me in this new land where danger seemed to be lurking around every turn. The only things I had going for me were a.) a spirit fueled by fortitude b.) a mind well-read in the genre of action and adventure and c.) two weeks worth of sword fighting lessons. I was a completely ordinary teenage girl, with fears and insecurities, but as this oddly groomed pirate encased me against the shelved wall of a cryptic candle lit shop, I gathered the courage to straighten up and look him in the eyes.

"I came here alone," I said and could only hope that he would believe me. The last thing I needed was for this man to know I had arrived with Harry, his sworn enemy.

Hart smirked at me and we exchanged a look, signifying we both were well aware of the fact that I was lying. Shit. It was a valiant attempt.

He reached the only hand he had up to stroke my hair. I flinched the instant his calloused fingers made contact. The gesture alone made me want to cry and collapse all at the same time, but I stood my ground.

"What lovely red hair," he said close to a whisper. I squeezed my eyes shut as his fowl breathe fanned across my face. "You don't see this natural color every day."

"Get the hell away from me," I managed to say.

"I'm not harming you am I kitten?"

He continued to stoke my hair but I swatted his hand away.

"Sorry." His clear eyes traveled up and down my body before he licked his bottom lip. "You just remind me of someone is all."

"And you remind me of a pedophiliac criminal who needs to learn the importance of personal space and consider investing in some type of breath mint to cover up the clear alcoholism you are struggling with." I snapped and slid toward the bead embezzled archway.

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