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It was late at night and the city was empty, two kids where running at the empty streets as if they were chasing something.

"Oi Izumi, are you sure that that thing is around here?" The red haired kid asked as he run at izumi's side.

"The negative energy at this area matches the conditions, so it must be here somewhere-" Right after izumi finished his sentence both of them stopped as they looked at a woman with a dark dress standing at the iluminated part of the street, an odd music cold be heard around them. The woman seemed to notice their presence but didn't make a move, the same could be said for Izumi and Yuri after noticing that she knew about them.

Dressing a black dress and holding a umbrella even tough it was not raining the woman stood there, both of the three fellow humans stood there in silence as the music keeps going. After a whole long minute the music started to slow down showing signs to beggining to stop, the woman with the appearance of a Gothic Lolita soon started to move her lips as if singing something and when the music finally stopped, the Lolita weirdly moved his head and twisted her body staying in a impossible position for a human being to make without having her joints deslocated, her face being revealed by the light showed a empty place that was supposed to be the eyes, her mouth was wide open in a cut that would go all the way to the ears, a black liquid soon began to left the holes of her eyes as black vines with thorns surrounded her neck, it was as if the vines where popping out of her own skin, most of her teeth where longer and distorted with thorns growing on it. A odd growling was being emitted by the Lolita as for a brief moment she stared at them.

The siblings doesn't seemed to be surprised, instead, it was as if they had already seem this kind of monster, or at least something with similar appearance. They just stands there for a brief moment before the woman suddenly vanishes and soon appeared behind them with her nails long and twisted enough to be confused with the same vines as her neck and with vines that soon popped out of the ground around them, without further notice the entire place around the siblings spontaneously caught fire making the entire number of vines burn together with the woman.

"It's still weak but it has a great power uh.." izumi said as the air around her started to get cold and the humidity in the air slightly frozed, in the middle of the flames countless vines dashed towards them but was immediately countered by yuri that cut down those things with a blade shaped fire with the same sharpness as a normal blade on his left hand, it didn't matter how many came out, he was easily taking care of all of it.

Soon after the first wave of vines the woman dashed out of the fire, the holes that were to supposed to have eyes where somewhat bleeding a black liquid, same could be said to her mouth. She dashed towards izumi as the lolita's teths and nails extender itselfs like vines towards girl, small pieces of hexagonal shapped ice with the same size as a fingerprint appeared blocking the vines just like an auto shield and making them completely froze itselfs before breaking apart into frozed dust.

While yuri took care of the inumerous vines that appeared out of the fire, izumi was responsible to kill the thing. She soon created sharp blades of ice and throws them at the woman, piercing both shoulders, hands and legs. The ice that pierced the woman frozed the entire air in front of it and soon hit the ground making the woman being completely imobilized.

Just like a wild animal when incarcerated, the woman let out a shrill scream and began to get away of that ice pedestal, her entire dress began to dismantle itself in black petals, the entire ground was filled with black vines as black lines formed under her eyes similar to tears covering her face.

Before anything else could happen, the entire ground around the fire was frozen instantly freezing the vines. Izumi was now standing in front of the screaming woman, the fire finally stopped and just like an odd phenomena, it began to snow only around the frozen ground and the frozen petals where now standing in the air as if the laws of gravity didn't worked on them.

"You are really a persistent one aren't you?" Izumi took off the glove of her left hand and touches her index finger on the woman's forehead, whatever time the woman tried to once again summon the vines it immediately frozen. And just like magic, the entire area's time slowed down and the woman soon ceased to scream as real tears left the empty space of the eyes.

"Chapelet Noir" A light surrounded them as a black liquid left the woman, the woman's hair lifted itself as if he was being exposed to a gust of wind and the same could be said to izumi. "Thats a beautiful name" The snow grouped themselves surrounding the woman just like a whirlwind and soon the light was strong enough to make the two females briefly dissappear returning once again after a few seconds.

With their returning, the woman falls into the ground, her appearance seemed to already have returned to normal, a 24 old woman that highly resembles those from the Victorian times. Both siblings unite together in front of the woman and each of them retrieve a silver pocket watch with blue chain and golden letters writen on it.

"This one is quite old don't ya think?" Yuri said with a slightly joking tone as he grabbed his cigarette and smoked it, "your jokes are the worst ya know?" Izumi answers as she and yuri opens the pocket watch after pressing a button on the top of it.

"Dead notice: 1777013, time: 24:38:86" Both of them say at the same time and close their pocketwatch and soon, the body fades into a glowly dust.

"The nuclear launch codes have been launch-" even tough he joked while whispering, izumi could heard it "don't joke around you idiot!" She hit him in the stomach making yuri spit his cigarette and accidentally step on it. "No! My cigarette!" He keeps the joking tone while sadly look at his cigarette stepped at the ground.

"That's what you got after saying shit, those things are bad for your health anyways"

"Damn, I was just joking zuzu" he smiles while avoiding a punch from izumi. "I told you to not call me that!" And then, they soon start fighting like two kids fighting at each other for the last piece of cake.

When they where far away from the local, the heroes soon arrived and was meet with a oddly destroyed place, a huge burning mark forming a circle was at the ground while small parts of it was slightly frozen inside the circle, around it marks of destruction could be meet near it and the buildings around the place was slightly burned as if a huge light with a huge heat source had strike the constructions.

"But what in the Kentucky ketchup crispy hotty coronel McRonald fuck happened in here?" A certain sleep deprived dark haired man said before seeing an anvil fall at the head of a police officer. "OK what the actual fuck?"

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