UA entrance exam: Fired Version

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In a certain airport, a red haired person with at least 16 years old and wearing a black suit was together with a certain white haired girl.

Together they seemed to be just like a small kid trying to convince the older sister to Play with him.

For the side of the red haired kid, peoples were feeling extremely hot and the path slightly melted and for the side of the girl peoples were  feeling extremely cold and the path slightly frozed.

"Oi oi, you could at least talk to me ya know? It's the first time we meet after  centuries!" The said red haired boy said while smoking a cigarette.

"How am I going to talk to you if I don't have nothing to talk about? Unless you wanna hear about different types of ice"

"No thanks."

"See, nothing else to talk about"

"Geez, you haven't changed nothing since we last meet uh?"

They keep walking in a silence with the boy smoking his fifth cigarette, looking somewhat concerned to something.

After a while he finally decides to speak.

"...what about him? It's been some time since you last visited his g-"

"Don't talk about him. Don't you ever dare to talk about him!" She said, finally showing a sentiment on his face, it was anger mixed with sadness,  but in a instant she returned to a emotionless expression.

"Sorry. I didn't meant to scream to you" she said.

The boy sighs and throws his cigarette on a trash bean near them, with may or may not have acidentally caused the trash bean get on fire.

"'s okay, everyone is still affected by what their own way.." He said in a sad tone.

"Is that so?"

And then, they finally arrived. The red haired boy said goodbye to her and entered first while Izumi stood there distracted with the store selling ice and started to smoke his sixth cigarette.

"Oi! You can't smoke here! What kind of person are you to start smoking in a early age, don't you know that this can kill you and even kill those dear to you?! Not only that but it's not allowed to smoke in a school!" A certain black haired kid with glasses said after caughting him smoking.

"....Sorry I don't speak japanese"

"You just perfectly said a whole sentence in japanese!"

"...Oh, fuck." He whispered


"Nothing" he keep smoking just ignoring what glasses guy just said.

"Didn't you listen to what I just said? You can't smoke here! And why are you smoking anyways? You shouldn't do that!

"'s for a medicinal use to...threat...cancer?"


It was obviously a lie but glasses boy seemed to believe on it, he even feel extremely guilty.

"Oh well, see ya" the red haired boy was about to leave when the glasses boy told him to wait.

"I'm so sorry for what I said, could you please tell me your name for I apologize properly?"

"'s Saski Yuri"

"I'm sorry for what happened, My name is Tenya Iida, if you need any help just tell me and I will help, now if you excuse me" with that he left.

"...what the hell just happened here?"

And then, yuri throw away his cigarette and just go make the test wich he also correctly answered anything related to volcanos, hot temperatures and those stuffs but just marked anything on the others questions.

He tried to find Izumi but failed miserably as the time has already run out and the kids needed to go to make the other test.

That being said, the result of the robot fight was an area with melted metal and burning bulding that may or may not be thanks to yuri's accidentally didn't hold back when using his power.

You could even see the buildings starting to melt if that was even possible.

In the end he finally manages to find Izumi and they leave together.

Days later both of them receive a letter wich Izumi somehow stood in the first place and yuri in second followed by a angered blond kid and in fourth place a two colored haired kid.

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