Everything about them
Pisses me off so much
The way she screams
She doesn't have a reason
She screams
In a way I never dared to
Even when I was thrown across the room
My whole body beaten
I never screamed
When my hair was pulled
And my face was hurting
I swallowed the urge
Cast aside
I lost my voice
My will to live
I hate them so much
I want to get out
I want to kill them
Born in different era's
They don't understand
I want to scream so bad
I want to die
Throw me off a roof
Swallow those pills
I can't live here anymore
I can't live with THEM
I'm losing my mind
One way or another
One of us is going to FUCKING DIE
They don't deserve to see me smile
They don't deserve my compassion
They're the reason for this horrible depression
They don't need me
They have Mum and Dad
I may sound crazy
And selfish
But after 16 years
I'm not surprised
2. Just Trying To Live Again
PuisiI'm plagued by childhood trauma's I'm both fucked up and misunderstood I keep getting flashbacks to things I don't want to remember I get lost pretending to be human I wish I could be the perfect daughter ... Yet I turn that pain into power I turned...