Disclaimers and OC's!!

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Hi, it's me. The author. Hi. So I just wanted to say that I don't own any of the characters (minus a few oc's)

Most of these beautiful babies belong to Nyxrising on YouTube and the world of Caldera!!

I can say that I claim a few characters dotted around. Aroseia (Arose) [who you will have met if you are reading my vassian oneshot series]. Camilia (Cam)[new OC]. Lillith (Lilly) [Aroseia twin]. Lokian (Loki) [Aroseia's and Lillith's older brother]. As well as a few random teachers here and there.

Aroseia (19) and Lillith (19) look almost the exact same. Except Lillith has light gray hair and Aroseia has black hair. But other than that, they have the same bone straight hair that falls to around the small of their backs. Same smokey gray eyes, same sharpish features, same almost concerning thin-ness. Same almost translucent pale skin, same pristine nails. Down to every last random freckle dotted beneath their eyes, they are the same. Really, the only way to tell them apart is by their clothes. Arose always wears very dark colors or black and always has her trademark black leather jacket on. Lilly always wears lighter colors or white and always has her trademark lightwash denim jacket on. They wear the same black hair ties around each one of their wrists and the same silver tree pendent necklace. Arose is bi and Lilly is straight.

Lokian (21) has short, wild, jet black hair. Think James Potter level wild. He also has kind of sharpish features and a thin frame. He resembles his sisters very much, the only difference is that he has emerald green eyes. He normally just wears one of his many sweatshirt (it's just the first one he sees on the floor that smells "good enough") a random pair of jeans, and a pair of beat up brown workboots. He is straight as a board. *reading this, it sounds like I'm describing Harry Potter with different name, doesnt it?*

Camilia (18) has blood red hair that sits in light natural curls around her shoulders. She has lightly tanned skin and eyes so dark brown you can barely see her pupils. She has softer features than Arose and Lilly and she's a bit heavier than them, but not by much. She is still thin, just not almost concerningly thin like Arose and Lilly are. She wears short shorts and graphic tees shirts and the same pair of beat up black converse every day. She normally has her hair up in a ponytail and she always has her soccer ball on her. She's bi as well.

Alright bye bye now, see you real soon with the Prologue!!
  ---Alex C.

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