Ch. 3

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Everyone sleeps happily through the night, everyone except Sariel and Arose.

Arose has the first and worst nightmare she has had in a very long time. About teeth being ripped out of her head, blades cutting into her body, Renard being thrown off a balcony. She wakes up in a cold sweat, sheets twisted around her because she'd been moving around. She takes a couple deep breaths, reminding herself it was just a dream, and silently gets up. She just walks straight out of the house, she wore a oversized black hoodie and black and white leggings to bed. She starts to walk around the complex a bit, trying to relax.

Sariel, on the other hand, doesn't wake up. She just sleeps on in her bed, writhing in fear. Her small body wrapping itself tighter and tighter in a wad of sheets and blankets, which doesn't help the nightmare at all.

Arose makes her way around the complex once before she feels calm enough to go back home. She knows she won't be sleeping for the rest of the night so when she get home, she goes to her room, shuts the door, plugs in her headset, and powers up her x-box as quietly as she can. Once both her x-box and TV are on, she opens Minecraft, enters her world and starts to play. She plays until dawn (hehe) and well into the morning. Before she knows it, it's 9:40. Twenty minutes before her first class of the day begins. Shit. She begins to hurriedly shower, dress, pack her bag, and she is about to leave the house when she realizes she doesn't have her camera. Crap. Crap crap crap. No no no no no this can't be happening. She thinks as she turns her apartment upside-down to look for it.


Renard wakes to the wonderful smell of bacon and eggs and pancakes. He tiredly throws the covers off himself and makes his way into the kitchen. Boblem is there, making breakfast for the group, in his pajamas.

"Good morning, Renard! I made breakfast! No, those ones are vegetarian for Astra. Here, take these!" Boblem says with way too much enthusiasm for this early in the morning. He hands Renard a plate with two strips of bacon and three pancakes. "How do you like your eggs?" Boblem asks.

"Boblem, you didn't have to do this man."

"How do you like your eggs?" Boblem asks again, a little more persistent this time.

"Just make scrambled for everyone this time. Like I bet you didn't know that I really like chocolate chips in my pancakes? You can make it next time of you want. You could make us all personalized breakfast plates every morning if you really wanted to." Renard says tiredly.

"Yeah, okay! That's a good idea" and he proceeds to make a big batch of scrambled eggs. When they are done, he places some of Renard's plate. Elyse and Astra join the talking pair in the kitchen. Boblem hands Astra his plate of vegetarian pancakes and Elyse a regular plate.

"Oh ma gawd!! Boblem! What the heck, why are my pancakes never as good as this?" Elyse asks, pretty much yelling at this point.

"Old family recipe." Boblem replies proudly.

At that moment, the front door slams open. Arose runs inside and up to Renard. "R! R, please tell me you've seen my camera! Please please please! I'm begging you!" She sounds close to tears.

"Yeah, yeah. You left it at my house before you moved. I put it in my room, on my desk. Why?" He says quickly, seeing the look of panic in her eyes. Arose dashes down the hall, into Renard's room, grabs her camera from the desktop, and sprints back down the hall.

"Wait, do you want some..." Boblem calls but she is already out of the house "breakfast"

Renard gets up and pats Boblem on the shoulder, "It's okay man, she's probably just running late." Then, Ren sits back down and proceeds to try and drown his pancakes in syrup. After Elyse, Astra, and Renard have wolfed down their food. Boblem takes two plates and puts food on them before making one for himself. "Does anyone want to take these to the other two?" Elyse looks at Renard. "Would you? Astra said he wanted to go to the park and I told him I'd give him a ride on my way to work. We really should get going now if I'm gonna be on time, by the way." She says that last part at Astra. Astra nods and goes to get dressed.

Roommates - LOTP AUWhere stories live. Discover now