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Pippin walked alongside Aryl, an Elf of Rivendell he had only met a short while ago. He was mesmerized by her beauty when he first saw her standing beside her father, Lord Elrond.

"You know Bilbo?" Pippin asked, after seeing Aryl speaking with Frodo's kin. She nodded and smiled.

"Bilbo and I go back some years..."

"Oh really?"

"Yes," She continued to smile as the memories came flowing back, "We went on an adventure, or quest; along with a group of... Dwarves." She paused.

"Dwarves? I thought they hated Elves."

Aryl chukled. "Oh they do, they always have, but at the time I had no idea I was an Elf."

Pippin gave Aryl a puzzled look. She chuckled again and motioned to herself. "I didn't look like this back then. I looked like a small human girl. My hair was dark brown, my eyes were hazel colored and my skin was a little darker."

"How did that happen?"

Aryl sighed, "Well... To make a long story short, I was raised by Gandalf and to keep me safe from the Dwarves and the many other people in Middle Earth who do not like the Elves, he concealed my looks and made me think I was just another human."

Pippin stayed silent as they walked across Rivendell. After a while, though, he couldn't keep his mouth shut.

"So, Gandalf was the only one who knew?"

"For a while," She exhaled deeply, "Yes. Another Elf... noticed it during the quest though, and he broke the spell. Thorin..." She stopped at the name, and tried her best to blink the burning tears out of her eyes.


"Th-the Dwarves discovered soon after."

Pippin noticed the change in her voice both when she spoke of the Elf who noticed she was truly an Elf and when she said the odd name he had never heard before, but was too oblivious to notice the emotion that surfaced when she spoke of them.

"If only I could see them again." Aryl mumbled, mostly to herself. Pippin heard what she had said and looked up at her. "Who?"

"The men I fell in love with."

The Love of a King (A Hobbit Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now