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"Jihoon, you've been extremely quiet." 

Jihoon frowns. "Yeah, and?" 

Mingyu blinks. "I was just saying. You've been quiet." 

Jeonghan paces nervously, downing a glass of brandy as if it was water. His face scrunches up slightly at the sweet, fruity taste. 

"Look, we don't know for sure if they're dead," Minghao says. "Let's think about this logically. There are seven of us. Two are definitely not mafia, the detective, and the doctor. That leaves four. If Jeonghan is really the detective, then that leaves the five of us. Now, they never said anything about citizens telling who they are." He points to himself. "I am a citizen. I think the doctor is Chan, so that means I would think mafia is either Jihoon, Mingyu, Jun, or Vernon." 

"Well, why on earth would we take your word for it?" Vernon snaps. "I'm a citizen, so that means you're in the running too." 

"I'm just stating my view," Minghao says. 

"I don't think the doctor is Chan," Jun disagrees. "I think it's Mingyu." 

"I'm a citizen," Chan says. 

"Well so am I," Jun adds. 

"And I," Jihoon tells them. "I think the mafia is Minghao. He's acting like he's coming up with something, but it's really got no point to it. He is acting off." 

"You're only saying I'm acting off because you just got accused," Minghao snaps. 

"No, you just have this... this energy to you."   

"You do," Mingyu agrees. 

"Minghao? He seems so normal though," Jun says. "I don't know guys." 

"I'm so sick of this!" Jeonghan shouts. He throws the brandy glass and it shatters, causing them all to jump. He turns, his eyes wild and angry. 

"Everyone! We have killed six people!" Jeonghan cries. "We have to figure this out soon or we'll all be dead!" 

"Mr. Yoon," Minghao says. "It's okay, relax." 

Jeonghan was not used to snapping like that. He fixes his suit coat and clears his throat, trying to mask his fear and irritation. The others stare at him nervously. 

"Jeonghan... are you...?" Vernon looks at them all nervously. "Are you really the police in the game?" 

Jeonghan's blood runs cold. 


"You seem so stressed... like, are you... alright, you seem suspicious!" Vernon snaps. 

Jeonghan shakes his head, running a hand through his blond hair. He had been in high stress situations before, trained for them even. 

But this was much different. 

He definitely hadn't trained for this. 

"I really am the police. I promise." 

"You promise?"

"I swear on my life." 

The others seem to accept that. "Alright, let's just move on. What time is it guys?" Minghao asks. 

"2:45," Mingyu replies. 

"Okay, so who should we eliminate from the debate, at least for now?" Chan asks. "I mean, we need someone." 

"I say we keep in Jeonghan," Mingyu replies. "He seems a little... for real unstable. Let's just leave him alone for now. He hasn't shown much suspicion, at least to me." 

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