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Jeonghan was confused, amazed, and angry. 

"Hwan was killed because when we went to go through with this, he didn't want to work with us. He was scared Mr. Yoon's father would come after us, and he wanted to go into hiding and not risk getting arrested once again." 

This entire time... there was no mafia... 

"So, a few days before you all came to the mansion, we took him out of the equation. We decided we could do it ourselves. Sure, he was the one that met all of you, but we sent the letters." 

"Do we live?" Jun, now known as a citizen, whispers to fellow citizen Vernon.

"I don't know," he replies. 

Jeonghan couldn't believe this. 

It was because of him. And his father. 

One thing was confusing him though. 

Were the other guests alive?


"What?!" Dokyeom exclaims, but Seungkwan covers his mouth quickly. Joshua sighs and pushes a hand through his hair. 

"Look, Choi is talking into the microphone, Kim and Park are most likely getting ready to come in here and kill all of you. We have to hurry." 

"You're the mole?" Mingyu asks in shock. 

Joshua nods. "Yes. I am the mole." 

Soonyoung stares at Joshua in pure amazement. He had spent the entire time he was awake with him. 

"But... but..." Dokyeom gasps. 

"I'll answer questions after we get out of here, okay?"  Joshua grimaces. "My knee is actually broken. So I'm going to help you all out. Mingyu, when I say, break the camera. Then-" 

"Oh my god!" Seungkwan gasps. "No mafia?!" 

He winks at Joshua, who nods. He was trying to make them seem less like they were up to something, and more scared. 

"Then some of you have to go into the laundry room, behind the washer and dryer. They have a secret room back there. Just... try to take them out." 

"A secret room?" Seungcheol asks. 

They were all still amazed that Joshua had been in on it the whole time. But if he was in on it... why was he helping them escape?

"Hey, what if this is all a set up?" Wonwoo asks. "How do we know you're not killing us?" 

Joshua sighs. "You don't. But just know, I want out just as much as you do. You just have to trust me." 

"Now that you know why we are here, and what we're doing, we have some terrible news. I have explained everything to you in detail, and now that you are aware of everything that is going on, you will not be able to leave the mansion." 

"Now Mingyu," Joshua hisses. 

The camera, which none of them had seen because it was not lit up, nor was it large, is pulled from the wall by Mingyu. 

"Okay, now, Dokyeom, Seungkwan, Seungcheol, anyone that can fight with their hands, you're going to push on the wall behind the washer and dryer, and there will be a door. That's where Choi is! Kim and Park are upstairs, so we gotta hurry so we can save the others!" 

"For the twelve unlucky guests, we are terribly sorry that you got wrapped up in the middle of this. And for you, Jeonghan, we will save you for last." 

Dokyeom, Seungkwan, Wonwoo, Jihoon, and Seungcheol hurry to the laundry room, making sure they're quiet enough that Choi doesn't hear. They find the outline of the door quickly. 

They all look at each other. 

"We can do it," Wonwoo whispers. "If we wanna get out of here alive, we gotta do it." 

They all nod. 

"Alright. One... two... three!" 

They push open the door. 


The voice had stopped, and now Jeonghan, Vernon, and Jun were looking at each other in shock. 

"We're all gonna die," Jun gasps. 

As soon as he says that, one of the servants/killers they recognize as Kim, comes out with a gun. 

Jeonghan's heart drops. 

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