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"Good morning everyone."

Jeonghan looks at Vernon and Jun in confusion. "Wait... what?" 

"I'm sure you are all confused." 


"You have all been participating in an altered game of Mafia. The guest by the name Lee Seokmin had solved the mystery of who the mafia is... or isn't. There was no mafia the entire game." 

"Seungkwan," Joshua hisses. 

Seungkwan hurries to Joshua, eyes wide. "We did it! We solved it-"


Seungkwan looks at Joshua in shock. 

"Act. Normal." Joshua pretends to be listening to the voice. "In the corner is a camera. I noticed it a few minutes ago. I want Mingyu to break it, then I'll tell you what to do." 

"You were all invited here because we were observing you for some time. The guest by the name Yoon Jeonghan was the person we primarily wanted to get to. You see, his father locked us up back in the 90s." 

While everyone was listening, Mingyu stands. "Break it?" He whispers. 

Joshua nods. 

"We were able to escape, and start fresh. Kim, Park, Hwan, and I wanted to get back at him for doing that to us. My brother, Hwan, had adopted my nephew back in 2010, who we recruited to help us." 

"Wait for me to tell you when." 

"How do you know when?" Seungkwan asks. 

"Just trust me." 


"Seungkwan!" Joshua hisses. He gestures for him to come closer. He does nervously. 

"Go get the others. Calmly. Walk slowly." 

Seungkwan does as he's told. 

"So, I'm sure you're all wondering what is going on."

They listen intently. 

"The guests in the basement have learned about our past. We have not stopped since we escaped from jail, and we've been planning this event for quite a long time. When we were able to get all of you together, with Jeonghan, here, we were going to put Jeonghan through this game. I am terribly sorry to the other guests. The fact that we chose you and you are here is just unlucky for all of you." 

The people in the home theater listen intently, nervously, angrily. Seungkwan slowly walks in and gestures for them to follow him. 

"What is it?" Seungcheol asks. 

"Shhh! Just do it!" 

They all follow slowly. 

"We are ultimately doing this to get back at Jeonghan's father. If it wasn't for him, you wouldn't be here. Now, the people in the basement know, but the guests upstairs do not. Hwan is dead. I'm sure you're wondering why." 

"Guys, come here," Joshua hisses. 

They do. 

"We're trying to listen-"

"Shhh! Listen to me!" 

Joshua takes a deep breath. 

"I'm Choi's nephew, and I'm helping you guys escape." 

A SEVENTEEN MYSTERY (Seventeen Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now