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"What is your name?" 

"Joshua Hong." 

"And you were involved in the setup of the events that happened 3 weeks ago, on the eve and early morning of October 20th?" 

"Yes sir." 

"You are the adopted nephew of the first victim, known by the victims and yourself as Hwan?" 

"Yes sir." 

"Okay." *pause* "So at what age did you begin assisting Hwan and your uncle, Choi, along with the two known as Park and Kim?" 

"About nine years ago. I was fifteen." 

"And how did that begin?" 

"I was recruited to be a participant in their games. This was really the first time I was so involved. They wanted me to act like an innocent citizen, then sacrifice myself early on in the night. That way all of the people in the game and downstairs still were unsuspecting of me." 

"So you sacrificed yourself? And they threw you down the stairs?" 

"Yes sir. They wanted to make sure it was believable." 

"So they set all of this up why?" 

"Because they wanted to get to Jeonghan." 


"Because his father put them in jail." 

"So this was about revenge?" 

"Yes sir." 

"So why not go for Jeonghan's father?" 

"Because he would never accept the invitation. He would know who it was. And living on with a dead son would hurt more than dying." 

"So how did all of the others get wrapped up in this?" 

"Hwan went looking for young men of different careers, all around my age, so I wasn't suspicious. He did send them all letters, that was real. But they were really at random." 

"And were you already aware of everyone that was coming?" 


"If everyone else showed up by car, were you already there, at the mansion?" 

"Yes. I showed up last because I was helping set everything up. I helped put the things together downstairs and in the kitchen, then sneaked out the back door and walked around to the front." 

"Were you planning on helping the others escape at the beginning of the night?" 

"Yes, I was." 

"What did you do to make sure they didn't find out?" 

"I was not supposed to have the gun. I had hid it a week before so it didn't seem weird to them. I was going to give that to someone to kill Park and Kim upstairs." 

"Who did you give that to?" 

"Mr. Lee. Lee Seokmin." 

"Was it a way to put the blame on someone else?" 

"No sir. I had not planned on my knee being broken. I couldn't get up the stairs anyway. Plus I was going to take out Choi, but again, I couldn't move." 

"So you were going to kill your uncle?" 

"Yes sir." 


"Because he killed my dad." 

"So Choi killed Hwan?" 

"Yes sir." 

"And you were angry about that?" 

"Well, yes. Hwan always treated me well... I mean, I was still wrapped up in everything but he was a decent dad." 

"Is that the only reason you wanted to kill your uncle and his allies?" 

"No, I wanted out. I wanted my own life." 

"You realize after this testimony you might be going to jail for the rest of your life?" 

"At least I'll have my integrity, sir." 

"I see. So how do you feel after almost all of the guests were injured? Why didn't you kill them beforehand, at any other time?" 

"Because I was never given the chance. They always kept tabs on me." 

"But you were able to sneak a gun?" 

"Sneaking a gun and killing someone are two different things. Using the gun and sneaking the gun are very different." 

"So were you upset that Choi Seungcheol killed your uncle?" 

"A little, but I couldn't do it anyways." 

"And Jeon Wonwoo killed Park, correct?" 

"Yes sir." 

"And you killed Kim?" 

"Yes sir." 

"Do you have any irritations with Detective Yoon, Mr. Hong?" 

"No sir. He's a decent guy." 


"Are you sorry for what you did?" 

"What are you referring to?" 

"Putting the guests through many injuries and mental torture." 

"Ah... of course I do. But for them to live they had to go through it. They really would be dead if I didn't do what I did." 

"How did you get all of the guests' personal information?" 

"The dark web is a scary place, sir." 

"You got it on the dark web?" 

"Yes, and through other methods. Park usually handled those things." 

"What other methods?" 

"Just following, tracking them through their banks or jobs, stuff like that." 

"Did you ever help with that?" 

"Yes sir. I did." 


"What do you think is going to happen to you, Mr. Hong?" 

"I will most likely be going to jail." 

"Are you in any way upset about Park, Kim, or Choi's deaths?" 

"No. I do not regret what we did to them. They deserved it." 


"That will be all for now, Mr. Hong. Thank you for your time." 

"Of course." 

*Joshua is taken away in handcuffs* 


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