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"We have to pick someone!" Vernon shouts. 

"But no one is really suspicious!" Mingyu shouts back. 

Jeonghan sips on another glass of brandy as he listens to the others argue. 

"What happens if we don't pick anyone?" Chan asks the collective. 

"Then they pick someone at random," Jun replies. 

Jeonghan looks up at Jun, nodding. "I see..." 

"That's what they said," Jun replies, as if sensing Jeonghan's suspicious tone. 

"They didn't say that," Mingyu snaps. 

"They did!" Jun exclaims. 

The voice comes back. 

"You have 60 seconds before we pick someone at random to be eliminated." 

"Ah! What do we do?!" Chan gasps. 

Vernon points at Mingyu. "It's him. It's Jun." 

"No, it's not!" Jun protests. "They said that earlier, I know it!" 

"I don't recall," Jeonghan says, frowning. 

"It's not me, it really isn't!" 

Chan looks at them all in confusion, then sits down and covers his head with his hands. He begins rocking back and forth as the others shout. 

"Well, they didn't say that!" Vernon shouts. "I don't remember it!" 

"They really did! Please," Jun pleads, tears threatening to escape his eyes. "Please guys! It's not me! I promise it's not me!" 

Chan shakes in fear as he waits for the 60 seconds to be up.

"It's Jun!" Mingyu shouts. "That's our decision! It's-!"

The lights go out. 

"You were not able to choose. Therefore, we will pick someone at random." 

Chan lets out a cry of fear and waits for someone else to be taken, or to be taken himself. 

He hears the shuffling, then someone being taken. 

It wasn't him. 

He was relieved, but also terrified. He was eighteen! Why on earth was this happening to him?! 

"Someone has been eliminated. Mafia, pick someone to kill." 

The mafia picks someone quickly.

 Doctor, pick someone to save." 

The doctor thinks about it for a moment. They were nearing sunrise, so the doctor would be their number one target. He almost decides against it, but ultimately picks himself. 


The lights come back on. 

"No one died last night. The mafia will kill again at 5. You will not be eliminating anyone due to the insufficient number of players." 

They all look around to see who was missing. 

Kim Mingyu was gone. 


Mingyu did not feel the fall down the stairs. He was out like a light, his nose shattered, his arm twisted behind him at an irregular angle. 

He had been innocent. 

The people in the basement were all out. They were close to putting all of the clues together, to finding the CD, and Hwan, but they would have a difficult time. 

A SEVENTEEN MYSTERY (Seventeen Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now