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Choi was not expecting for five of the guests to burst into his room. 

He could barely get a cry of shock out before Seungcheol tackles him to the ground, his chair flying out from beneath him. Seungcheol knew this was risk, with his sprained wrist and all, but he had to try, or they'd all be killed. 

Dokyeom, Jihoon, and Wonwoo rush to Seungcheol's aid, while Seungkwan finds the intercom on the desk. It was a small room, with a few TVs, the intercom, and a few chairs in the back. 

Seungkwan hits the button and shouts: 

"Jeonghan! Vernon! Junhui! We're all alive! We're all alive and we're trying to help-" 

Jihoon pulls Seungkwan away from the intercom, looking at him with wide, angry, desperate eyes. "What the hell are you doing?! Now they know we're here!" 

Seungkwan gasps when he realizes what he'd done. 

Dokyeom, scared he would get in the way, runs back into the main area. "What do we do now?!" He shouts at Joshua. He still couldn't believe Joshua had been in on it the whole time! 

They hear a gunshot upstairs. 

Dokyeom jumps sky high and Joshua gulps. 

"We gotta help them. Dokyeom, I need you to go upstairs-" 


"Squat down," Joshua demands. Dokyeom does as he's told. Joshua grabs him by the collar and Dokyeom cries out in shock.  

"Listen to me, NOW," Joshua snaps. "You have to go help them upstairs or we're all dead. You need to stop them before they get down here. If they get down here, Soonyoung and I are goners, and you will follow soon after." Joshua pulls a pistol out of his suit jacket and puts it in Dokyeom's hand. 

"You can do this Dokyeom." 

Dokyeom stares at the gun, then looks over at Soonyoung. 

You got this," Soonyoung says. 

He nods nervously. He had never held a gun in his life. 

"H-How do I...?"

Joshua cocks the gun for him, then hands it back to him. 

"Now go." 

"Okay... I'll do my best." 

Dokyeom nods to Joshua, then starts up the stairs quickly. 


Jeonghan! Vernon! Junhui! We're all alive! We're all alive and we're trying to help-" 

The intercom shuts off. 

Vernon barely has time to move before Kim is aiming the gun and firing. "Vernon!" Jeonghan shouts. He tackles Vernon, the bullet missing the two guests and embedding itself in the wooden fireplace. 

"You're not going to escape," Kim snarls. "Park just heard your friend on the intercom, and I'm sure he's on his way to the basement now." 

He cocks his gun again, aiming it at Jun. Jun jumps and rolls into a somersault as Kim fires at him. Jeonghan cries out, and, grabbing Vernon,  bolts into the dining room. 

Kim tries to fire at Jun once more before hurrying after Jeonghan. Jeonghan knew he wasn't going to be the first to die, in fact, he was going to be the last, but that didn't mean this wasn't scary. 

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