2ummer: chapter five

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Maya sprawled out on the couch watching her favorite Disney movie: 'Mulan'. She stuffed her hand in the popcorn occasionally and brought it towards her mouth.

"Where's my toothbrush?" Lucas questioned while walking out of the bathroom.

"Oh, I assumed that you had one at your apartment." Maya shrugged.


Maya sat up and grabbed the remote. She paused her movies and sighed. "Lucas?"


"Do you remember when we first met?" She questioned while moving the bowl of popcorn to the coffee table.


"Riley and I had just gotten out of a class and she was hungry. She wanted to stop at the hotdog cart and I wanted to go home. The line was extremely long." Maya chuckled. She had this look on her face as if she was playing the events back in her head.

Lucas sat down on the set across from her.

"So, I decided to go to the car and wait. Then I noticed this blonde boy struggling to start up his car." She smiled. "And I offered my help, which you willingly accepted. Then, I helped you start it up."

"Oh yeah."

"You looked at me as if I just performed God's work. Then you tipped your imaginary hat at me and called ma'am."

"And then you called me a cowboy." He chuckled.

"You had this look of amazement. At that moment, I began to form a little crush on you, but then I saw you lose that amazement in your eye. You saw her—Riley." Maya's smile dropped.

Lucas shifted.

"Riley had that dumb look on her face. The look that she always makes when she sees a boy she likes. I knew I had no chance, so I went to the car and let you guys meet."

Maya wiped the falling tear from her face.

"Then you started hanging out with her, she was all about you. So I started hating you, but loving you at the same time."


"Right now Lucas, I'm seeing that amazement leave your eyes." She stood up and walked into her room.

Lucas sighed. He loved the blonde and hated that she felt that way. He didn't do anything that would hurt her, he never would. Lucas was so caught up in his studies that often he neglected the fragile blonde.

He pulled up his phone and dialed Zay's number.

"I need your help, I want to plan something special for Maya."

Maya rolled her eyes while sighing. She was recording her debut single which required so much work.

"Let's re-do that part." Mikey, the producer, said while fumbling with the control keys. "Three, two, one"

"So sue me! For looking to pretty tonight." Maya sang. She looked over towards Mikey for confirmation.

"Good." He nodded and glanced at his watch. "Let's take five."

Maya nodded and removed the headphones from her ears. She walked out of the booth and plopped down on the couch next to Aisha.

"Thank you for being here." She laid her head on the brunette's shoulder. The two watched as Mikey walked out.

"He's an ass, I know, but he produced my first hit," Aisha said while running her fingers through Maya's hair.

"He's so picky. I have to sound exactly what he wants me to sound like or it's 'do it again'. We've only gotten to the chorus. It's been five hours."

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