The little crow is a cat?

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The little crow is a cat!?

Hinata's POV

A lot of things has happened at karasuno, for example they don't need me anymore, they hang out with out me they don't tell me when practice is, basically I'm useless to them now unless we play a power house school.... a few people care but they don't help at all either, I've been talking to my childhood friend kenma who I have a crush on, he is always there for me but sadly there is nothing he can do to make my team and the people at my school treat me better, my once bright smile doesn't exist anymore to say the least. I decided to text kenma and tell him about my day which was shit just like always.

Text message time

Shoyo: hey

Kenma: oh hi
Kenma: are things any better at your school?

Shoyo: sadly no just getting worse and worse...

Kenma: random question let's say there was a way for you to switch schools and still play volleyball would you?

Shoyo: of course if that was possible some how I'd love that, since I barley play anymore.

Kenma: ok well I did something right...

Shoyo: right...

Kenma: and I worked some magic
Kenma: so if you want to switch to my school and still play volleyball you can and I talked to your mom about it and she is 100% with me

Shoyo: really omg your the best ever Kenma I love you so much😘

Kenma: I love you to sho, anyways you'll be staying with me cause ya know don't really have a family

Shoyo: oh yea I'm sorry about that anyways so would you like to come over and help me pack my stuff my mom can drive us to your place after.

Kenma: alright I'll be there soon meet me at the train station in 2 hours.

Shoyo: alright see you soon!

Texts over!

I bounce around my room feeling genuinely happy for the first time in a while, things will finally get better for me. I'm guessing my mom already knew I'd say yes and signed me up for Nekoma and my volleyball skills helped me get into the school. I was in such a good mood like a five year old on his brithday.

Le time skip to when hinata is at the station

I'm waiting for the train to pull up, a few seconds later it does and I eagerly wait for my crush to get off the train, when he does I run up to him and jump into a hug like I always do, he of course catches me and hugs back tightly. I asked for a piggyback ride back to my place which he agreed to, he leaned down and I jumped on, the whole way back to my place we talked about him and whatever he felt like talking about, when we get to my house he opens the door than puts me down, my little sister natsu runs up and says hello to the two of us and my mother made dinner, we eat and my mom tells me how karasuno has been informed of my transfer but my team doesn't know, she also told me that they sent her all of my stuff, dinner was amazing we had Katsudon which is my favourite. After dinner me and Kenma go upstairs to pack, when we get up there I look into his eyes and he looks at mine, we were so close that I could feel his soft cool breathes against my face, in a moment of bliss he closes the gap and kisses me, I turn into a tomato but kiss back, a few short seconds later we pull away from the kiss, and he asked "so umm does this make us boyfriends?" I answered only if you wanna be which of course he smiled and hugged me. After a while we finished packing it wasn't a lot but manly the basics, some books my clothes, shoes, slippers, toothbrush, money, bags, and some other things, after that my mother drives us to Tokyo to kenma's place. Once we get there he tells me I'll be staying in his room, so we unpack and cuddle on the couch watching some movie. It was a Friday which meant that I'd be starting school on Monday.

Phew that's chapter one I hope you enjoy it!

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