First day if school ans volleyball again!

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First day of school and volley ball all over again

Hinata's POV

Today I start at Nekoma, I'm kinda nervous but I have Kenma and Kuro as two of my besties which isn't so bad well one bestie and one boyfriend hehe, we had morning practice and everyone was so nice, it's so different you could say, my smiles were real the whole time, Kuro showed me around, cause he often drags Kenma around. It was finally lunch and I went to the club room riding on kenma's back which surprised the team on how Kenma acted, I didn't really care for it tho, we started eating and talking about game plans and what not until the mention of a training camp came up, it sounded like fun until I learned Karasuno would be there... I started to feel my breath get heavy and I was panicking, I could feel tears start to stream down my face, in a second I'm in kenma's arms with him running circles around my back calming me down, after five minutes I finally cool down and I explain one of the biggest reasons I was at Nekoma, of course Kuro knew as we have been friends for awhile. After that I told them I want to play karasuno until I realized Bokuto will be there, now this will be a living hell.


Lunch finished and we finished our day to have after school practice which wasn't bad either I practiced my Receive's and made a couple power moves for nationals or what not, to my surprise I'm already on the starting line cause I guess they think I'm good, That's not bad, we really just did basic practice for the rest of the day nothing to hard at all, we were told that the training camp was next week, hmm so a week before my life goes back to shit for like 2 weeks. Kenma gives me a piggyback ride home and we play video games and cuddle all night long.

I am very nervous about this training camp, I was stuck in thought until we heard a knock on the door, it was just Kuroo wanting time have a sleep over, he ended up staying the night and it was really fun than we decided to play truth or dare, it got to me and I asked Kuro if he likes anyone and if so who, he told us he like bokuto, I break out laughing screaming I knew it told ya so suckers, after a while we calm down and go to bed.

The next morning they all wake up get ready and head to school for morning practice, It was normal coach reminding us about the training camp and what not, then time for classes I'm still pretty dumb but Kuroo and Kenma help me with that part, after class I head to the club room for lunch where we gossip and whatever played some games and just hanged out. After lunch there was classes which were pretty boring but I still payed attention, after that was after school practice, which again was fun we practiced doing new secret moves and quicks, I also got better at servers but I no longer jump for them since my accurateness is better than when jumping, I'm still a middle blocker and spiker which isn't bad, I also got my jacket which is very warm but I still like to steal Kenma's cause his is really big! I also revived my jersey and I'm still number ten imagine the luck there, after practice me and Kenma go and get ice cream than head home do homework eat dinner and go to bed cuddling like always.

I wake up and follow the same schedule like any other day except the fact that I started to pack for the training camp Kenma did to as we had to help set up the school on Thursday and Friday, we had the weekend to ourselves so we just hung out doing homework playing video games and what not. But I still feared the next 2 week for some reason.

There really is no reads in this story but I plan on updating once or twice a day cause I can!

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