Training camo begins officially

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Training camp begins officially

Kenma's POV

I wake up with Shoyo in my arms, it was sweet and warm, I lightly shake him awake he mumbles sweetly and tried to fall asleep, I pick him up and he finally wakes up, we walk to the shower room, and shower together. After we head to breakfast, and of course Shoyo was on my back, as we walked in to the lunch room there was a time of awes and what not until we heard something that was rude like a ew fucking fags, I feel cool wet tears run down my shoulders than I hear another mean comment.  I walk towards Kuro who is with bokuto, I explain to them what was going on, they instantly grab hinata and hug him tightly, a couple seconds later we hear another rude comment. Than we hear a loud smack and a shut the fuck you asshole, I grab food for me and hinata and we sit down and eat, after eating we change into our volleyball uniforms and begin to play.

Time skip

After a long hard day we go to eat dinner, which was fun until those three karasuno first years tripped hinata and hit him while I was in the washroom. Kuro of course helped them and the three first years weren't alowed to play anymore after that and were to be sent home as soon as possible.

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