Chapter 1: Well, that's a start

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The beautiful, bright sun was shining over the forest and the camp. The sound of birds calmly chirping in the trees. . . and the two magic kids were all ready hating each other at breakfast in the mess hall.

Harrison and Nerris sat at different tables, parallel to each other, looking pissed at each other while other campers tried to figure out what was going on with these two.

"Soooo, what's happening now with those two?" Nikki said with a mouthful of pancakes and potatoes. 

"Well, Harrison made Nerris's stuffed frog disappear but he's now denying it." said Neil. Right as Neil said that, Harrison smacked his hands down on the table and stood up in anger. Some of the other campers jumped at the sudden action that Harrison made.

"Nerris I'm telling you, I didn't make your stuffed lizard disappear!" Harrison protested.

Nerris was silent for a while until she stood up, walked over to Harrison's table and smacked her own hands on the table in pure rage.

"You fucking liar!" Nerris spat, "I know what you did to him and Mr. Waffles is not a lizard, he's a frog!"

Harrison was about to angrily protest but something hit him. Tears started to roll down Nerris's face. Harrison's anger had vanished. Was he now feeling pity for his enemy? Harrison slid his hands to his sides and after a moment, he grabbed his hat and pulled out Mr. Waffles. 

Every one gasped at what Harrison did -- he made the stuffy reappear for Nerris. Nerris's eyes widened at the sight of Mr. Waffles and snatched the plushie out of Harrison's hand.

"Oh my god, Mr. Waffles I missed you!" Nerris spoke with joy in her voice. Oddly, this happiness made Harrison smile and he quickly made his way outside.

"So, what was that all about?"  Ered asked as Nerris was still overjoyed. Everyone shrugged and continued with their day.

"What was that all about!" Harrison thought. "She's your enemy!" Harrison stopped walking and thought for a moment. "Do I. . . LIKE her. Pshh, probably not. Or maybe I do. . ?" Harrison looked down and blushed at the thought of liking Nerris.

"Well, that's a start."

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