Chapter 6: Con-graduation

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Half a year has passed since Barley tried to force Nerris to kiss him. When she broke up with him, the news spread like a wild fire around school.  Nerris was still emotional after what happened but she was doing better. Harrison was scared to ask her to be his girlfriend again but he decided to do it in instead of sending her a note. Harrison asked her and at first she was silent but unlike the last time, she smiled, took his hand and nodded Yes. They dated for the rest of the of their high school years.

Years later

It was the last year of high school and for the graduates, there was a dance. Neil asked Preston, Max asked Nikki and of course Harrison asked Nerris. They all said yes to their partners. 

Harrison didn't know what to wear once the day for the dance came. He had moved out of his parents' home few years earlier.  Now her was renting so he didn't have too much money to spend on clothes. Harrison decided to use his magic to enlarge a old costume he had worn when he was 11. It was a dark gray tuxedo with a yellow shirt, orange pants and black shoes.

Harrison drove to Fourtrees High School. He waited inside the school for Nerris.  Aftere what seemed like an hour, Nerris walked in. She looked. . . . Beautiful. Nerris was wearing blue dress with a yellow belt, black pants and purple boots.

"Sooo do you like it?" Nerris asked. Harrison shook out of his surprised it and replied "Ye - yeah I love it!" They smiled at each other, took each others hands and walked into the gym. 

There they saw Max and Neil talking to each other while Preston was at Neil's side.  Nikki was gorging at the food table. 

"I'll go talk to Nikki, okay" Nerris said to Harrison and walked off. 

"Nice date, Harrison." Preston complimented.

"Same goes to you and the fact you're now dating this non-believer makes it three times more entertaining!" As Harrison spoke he made a cup full of punch appear in his hand. Preston giggled at Harrison's joke but Neil just narrowed his eyes.

The four guys talked for a while until the lights dimmed down and the disco ball started to shine.

They split ways to be with their partners. Harrison found Nerris and asked her for this dance. Some slow, jazzy music was playing but people were dancing however they wanted. Nerris and Harrison were just doing ballroom dancing. 

Harrison wanted to stay quiet, but had to ask a small question. 

"Sooo Nerris. I know it's been few years since what happened but have you recovered from Barley trying to force kiss you?"

They stopped dancing for a moment so Nerris could think.  After a while, shes gave Harrison an assuring smile.

"I know that you worry about me a lot but what happened was in the past, and yeah it's not entirely forgettable but let's focus on the now, shall we?" Nerris replied.

The two smiled and continued dancing.

Once the dance ended, the Harrison and Nerris decided they we're ready to head home. They said their goodbyes to their friends and left. Harrison decided to wait with Nerris until her parents came.

The two sat there on the steps, telling stories about dumb things they did as kids.

As Nerris's parents' car came by, Nerris pushed that bad memory into the back of head and asked:

"Hey Harrison?" Harrison turned his head only to be greeted with a kiss to the lips. Nerris quickly got up, moved into the car and was driven off. Harrison just sat there, with a smile and blush on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2020 ⏰

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