Chapter 2: Two years later

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Nerris never really liked her room because the sun was always shone in her face, but it was also a good way to wake up. Nerris rubbed her eyes and sat on the edge of her bed. She put her glasses on, got up and started dressing in her usual clothes until her mother said, 

"Nerris, are you getting ready for your first day of high school?"

A smile quickly came across Nerris's face as she got undressed and started putting on clothes similar to what she wore at camp. Since her cape didn't fit any more, she decided to use it like a poncho.

Nerris rushed down the stairs wearing her cape/poncho, a yellow T-shirt and gray pants. She said good morning to both her mom, who was trying to find some lunch money for Nerris and her dad, who gave her a big hug and congratulated her on going into the 8th grade. Her mom gave her some lunch money, pushed her out the door and told her to hurry to school.

The school was two blocks away from her house on River street. So it was easy to find. 

When she got there, two signs loomed over the entrance. One read "Fourtrees High School" and the other read "Welcome new students!" Nerris felt a tap on her shoulder and spun around to be face-to-face with a very old friend, Nikki.

"Holy shit! Nikki!" Nerris jumped with joy and hugged her long-lost friend. Nikki was about to speak but the bell rung and everyone had to go inside.

"We should go in and talk later." Nikki said. Nerris nodded her head and they walked inside. Instantly, they recognized Max who was leaning against a wall with his arms crossed. Nerris smiled while Nikki blushed at the sight of his new black hoodie because it looked cool and hot.

"Heyo, Max!" Nerris yelled as Max jumped at hearing her sudden voice. Max's heart-attack face quickly turned into a surprised and happy expression and he ran toward them.

"Holy fuck! I haven't seen you either of you in two years! How's it been?" Max asked. They started walking though the hall to get adjusted to the sights and sounds of their new school. Nerris was not paying attention because when walking, she bumped into someone.

"Hey watch it! I don't want to make enemies on the first day!" Nerris furiously said to the stranger.

"O-oh my bad, sorry." the boy said and continued walking. "What, that accent, its. . . familiar." thought Nerris as her and her friends kept walking. She turned around a saw that her suspicion was right. It WAS Harrison. He was looking at the clubs board. Nerris turned around a started blushing.

"Why did it have to him!"

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