Chapter 3: A helping hand

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A few months ago, Nerris learned that Harrison -- someone shes liked and hated at the same time -- was attending her new high school, along with Nikki, Max, Neil and Preston.

Nerris sat there at the table while Nikki and Max chatted. At first, Nerris didn't know that Nikki was calling her name. Nikki spoke louder.

"Yo! Earth to Nerris!" Nikki yelled. Nerris practically jumped out of her seat. She gave Nikki a mean look. "What?!" Nerris asked angrily. Nikki turned her eyes to the side. Nerris looked in her direction and saw that Harrison was eating alone. 

"Yeah, so?" 

"So go talk to him instead of looking at him like a stalker." Max said. Nerris rolled her eyes then said "Okay okay, i'll go talk to him." Nerris stud up and started walking. she was surprised when someone pushed her down. 

"Ha, loser," the kid said and was about to leave until his friend came up to him. "Riley! what the fuck dude. That was a girl!" Riley turned around and was shocked at what he had done. He had pushed a girl

"Oh my god, I'm so, so sorry! I thought you were a boy." Nerris gave the kid a look until his friend turned around. 

"Hi, I'm Barley." he said. Right away Nerris liked him in a crush way. Barley held out his hand. Nerris looked over to Harrison, who was still sitting at the table, then she glanced back at Barley. He had a sweet smile that made Nerris blush. Nerris smiled back and took his hand. Max and Nikki looked at each other with concern. 

This is not going to end well.  


"Nerris! are you sure that this Barley dude is a good idea?" Nikki asked 

"Yes! He's so sweet and kind and --." Nerris was interrupted. "But what about Harrison?" Nikki continued. Nerris gave Nikki a confused look. "What about him?" Nikki was about to protest until she saw Barley. "I'm- I'm going to go..." Nikki trailed off and left.

 Nikki thought while she walked though the halls. "I don't trust that guy. Harrison is a way better guy." Nikki stopped to think, then came up with a plan. 


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