Chapter 5: Act'n strange

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"Somethings not right." Nerris thought. She and Barley had been dating for two and a half years. For a while everything had been fine. Then about two months ago, Barley became a little bit of a jerk. He would threaten people that were just talking to her, even her friends.

Nerris snapped back to reality to talk to her friends, Max and Nikki who were dating each other.

"So, whats up with your boyfriend, Barley and why is he acting like an asshole?" Max asked. 

"I'm not sure. He just started act'n strange all of a sudden." Nerris answered. As Nikki started coming up with weird theories and dumb ideas they heard a voice, it was Kia. Kia was a nice girl with a big, weird imagination. She liked this show called Amp Amp and "shipped" something called nosirren. Nerris didn't know too much about her except that she was both weird and nice.

"Hey guys!" Kia speed walked toward them. "How you guys doing and what are you guys doing?" 

"We're doing well. We were just --" Nikki stopped as she saw Barley walking toward them. Nerris, Max and Kia saw him coming, too.

"Are this three bothering you, babe?" He addressed all three of them but gave Max a deadly look.

"What, no! I'm just talking to my friends," Nerris protested. It looked as if he wanted to ask another question but he kept his mouth shut. "Well, we need to leave," he said then forcefully took her hand and lead her outside.

"W- what are you doing!" Nerris tried to let go of his hand but he held her hand even tighter. Barley pinned Nerris against a wall. 

"You know what we haven't done in our relationship? Nerris shook her head No. "We haven't kissed." Barley tried to kiss her but Nerris pushed him away again and again. As Barley persisted in his attempt to kiss her, they were interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Hey! You leave her alone." It was Harrison! "Do we have a problem here, Magic Man?" Barley asked. "That was weird. Why did he say it like that?" 

"Yes we do. You're forcing her to do something she doesn't want to do," Harrison answered. "Well how about leave before you confess to my girlfriend again." This made Nerris mad.

"WHAT?!" Barley was taken aback. "You fucking stalked me and Harrison?!." 

"Well, yeah." Barley tried acting cool but it did not work this time. Nerris was about to protest but Barley grabbed her face and pulled her close. This action was met with a punch in the face by Harrison. 

Nerris look at the unconscious and broken-nosed Barley who was on the ground. Then she looked at Harrison. Harrison had taken off his white gloves just to punch him.

Nerris was upset. Tears started to roll down her face. She gave Harrison an unexpected hug then cried in his arms as he hugged her back.

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