Chapter 1

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Nini's POV
"Now everyone go out into arabesque ". "Nini" "Nini" . Oh yeah sorry I just spaced out. Today was Thursday I was at ballet I have my blue leotard with my blue skirt. I had my hair up in a low bun and it had a hairnet in it and of course I had my ballet shoes on.  "Everyone it's time to do some plies" . "Let's start in first position". My teacher in ballet is name ms. Layla she is nice but can also be mean. " alright time to work on pirouettes". " I don't want to see a sickled foot!" " If you all don't stop talking I am sending you all out to
Do wall squats".  Yeah she could be a little stern but that's what helps us focus and get better. ballet is over and it is my last class for the day now I can go home!

Ricky's POV

It's a late night at practice. We are working really hard for today's practice since tomorrow we have a game. We are hoping to win tomorrow's game . "100 pushups now". We are working really hard. I don't think any of my parents can make it  to my game which I am pretty bummed. My mom is in Chicago and my dad works. Little did I know That tomorrow is going to be a crazy day.
~   Time skip ~
Nini's POV
It's Tuesday , the school day is now over I was talking to my friend Kourtney about tonight's game until I realized what time it was. Omg I have dance I got to go bye! I told her. I ran to the parking lot and was looking at my phone about to text one of my dance friends until I bumped into someone.

Ricky's POV

Today was the big game I was talking to my friend Big Red until I realized that I was going to be late to practice. I grabbed my sports equipment bag and ran until I bumped into this girl. "Oww" she said. Oh sorry I said .its all good  she said. We made eye contact I had seen her before but I never really new her. I am Ricky I said Ricky Bowen . I held my hand out so she can shake my hand. Nini Salazar Roberts she said or Nina but I go by Nini. Next time we should watch were we are going I said she laughed yeah well I got to go I have dance and my dance teacher will not like that I am late. Haha same here I have football practice. Alright umm well bye she said. Wait are you going to the game tonight. Oh yeah I really want to try to make it! It depends since I have 3 dance classes today. Oh wow I said . Yeah well ok bye. What just happened I thought.

Nini's POV
What just happened!?

~time skip~
I am in lyrical dance class right now. We are stretching right now. We are now working on are dance now. The song the class and I choose was someone you loved by Lewis Capaldi. I love the choreography that my teacher assigned to this dance. Class is now over and now I have to head into tap. "Shuffle ball change " "stay of yours heels everyone". "Alright let's work on are wings". Lastly I have ballet. On Wednesdays I have contemporary. I love ballet it is one of my favorites. " alright everyone let's work on are pique turns" said Ms.layla. "Nini great work ". "Everyone look at how Nini's foot is pointed and her passé is perfect". "Great work today". Class is over and now I hope I can still make it to the football game . I am a little nervous I don't know why. I don't like Ricky. Right? I just met him.

Ahh here is the first chapter! I am a dancer an I am so excited to make Nini a dancer ! I hope you enjoyed this chapter 😆

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