Chapter 7

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Nini's POV
"Alright everyone time to work on are frappe's"
Today is Tuesday yup it's been exactly one week since Ricky said that he wanted to stop talking. I am currently in ballet class. "Let's work on pirouettes". Let's try for a two". " everyone look at how nini's foot is pointed and not sickled also her arms are nicely rounded". "Great job today Nini" said Ms. Layla at the end of class. "Thank you" I said. Ohh and today your costume for tour solo came in. Omg omg I have been waiting forever to see/try on my costume. Lyrical dance dresses are gorgeous!
"Ah here it is"said Ms.Layla!
"Wow it is beautiful" I said.
(This is the costume btw just imagine Nini in it lol)
(Found this picture on Pinterest btw)

(This is the costume btw just imagine Nini in it lol)(Found this picture on Pinterest btw)

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Well why don't you go try it on and I will go get Ms. Lana so she can see it! Ok! I tried it on and I love it! I then come back into the classroom and see Ms.Lana! Omg it is beautiful! I am so excited to perform soon!

Ricky's POV
Yup I messed up. It has been exactly one week since I told Nini that we should stop talking for a bit. Now I am trying to figure out how I can get her to talk to me again. She ignores me every time I try. I ruined everything. My aunt is over with my cousin Stacy. She asked if I can take her to dance. Yeah sure let's go . So what type of dance do you do. "I do lyrical". Oh cool "one of friends does to well I mean at least when we were friends". Why aren't you friends anymore she asks. Well I ruined are friendship by saying that we should stop talking for a while which I regret saying". "Hey just try to talk to her and apologize". If that doesn't work then we'll I don't know you screwed up". Wait this is the studio Nini goes to". "Wait Nini "she says. Yup. Oh wow she is such a good dancer one time she got to perform for my class. Wow I said. Stacy is only 11 so she is still pretty young. Would you like to come in with me and watch please". "I don't know". Ugh come on". Fine I said. The thing is Stacy and I aren't super close but I guess I can watch her dance. I don't have a game till later so I am in my uniform.

Nini's POV
Today I decided to practice my solo . I am also going to help my lyrical teacher Ms. Lana teach today since she asked and I don't have anything else to do today. Since I don't go to you know who's games anymore. Ms. Lana and I have a couple more minutes to work on my dance before class starts. "Alright let's work on your A La seconde turns". Remember plié then up to releve and work on your leg going like open close. Got it I said. Oh and always spot so you don't get dizzy. After this we can run through your dance real quick .

Ricky's POV
The blinds on the window was open to the classroom that Stacy's class was in. That's when I recognized someone in that classroom. "Look it's Nini" says Stacy . We could here her teacher saying spot! "Wow her turns are amazing "says Stacy

Nini's POV
"Great Job Nini". Thank you. Alright real quick let's go through your dance. Get in your starting position. The song is. Lovely by Billie
"Oh I'll make it out of here". "Chasse step leap" Nice yells Ms. Layla. Once I finished my routine I looked up to the window that's when I saw curly hair and it looked familiar. Thank you Ms. Layla. The class I had to help teach was going to start soon. I went out the door to see Ricky right in front of me. Oh no what is he doing here!

Ahh! Here is chapter 7! So much has happened! I wonder what's going to happen between Nini and Ricky?! Sorry for some spelling errors.

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