Chapter 4

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Nini's POV
I failed my math test. Uhh I don't know why I always get good grades on my tests. I am going to be in so much trouble.
    ~ Time skip~
Turns out I am grounded and won't be able to go to the football game. This is so unfair! I get to go dance but not the game. Now I have to tell everyone that I can't go because of failing a test. Oh no maybe it's because I am thinking about Ricky. Oh no is he a distraction. I can't have distractions. I can't . Today I have ballet it's Tuesday. I have to focus. Today Ms.Layla expects up to have are chasse step leap perfect. Which I am not to worried about. Today we also have bar stretch. I am going to be so sore! Bar stretch is where we do so many crazy things on bar for example are splits on the bar. I am in class and it's my turn to show my chasse step leap. "Great Job Nini" said Ms. Layla. Class Is now over and I am so sore already. I have to go to the game . I guess I will just have to sneak out . Ok who am I kidding me Nini sneaking out yeah I would never do that. I am still in my ballet outfit I decided to call Kourtney and ask her if she could pick me up. 10 minutes later she is here. I decided that I would change into my normal clothes at are school bathrooms.

Ricky's POV
Nini said she had ballet on Tuesdays so I don't know if she will be able to make it. That's when Gina comes up to me and says "Good luck Ricky". Thanks I said. That's was weird.

Kourtney's POV
Nini I thought you were grounded? I said. "I am" said Nini. "So your parents let you come"? "Umm well no" said Nini. Oh my gosh NINI! "I know I know but I really want to go to the game". You have a crush on Ricky don't you. "NO" Nini blurted out. Mhm I said.

Nini's POV
Ok so I feel guilty I know I shouldn't be at this game since I am grounded but oh well I am here already. I spot Ricky and run up to him. Hi! Hey! "I thought you had ballet "? "Well I left as fast as I can once ballet was over " I said. I mean look I am still in my ballet clothes. Hahah he laughed. "Good luck tonight " I said . Thanks. Well I am going to go to the bathroom and change out of my ballet clothes. Ok see you after the game". I went to the bathroom and changed back to my normal  comfy clothes and went to sit in the bleachers with Kourtney and Ashlyn.

  ~Time skip ~
The game ended . We were so close to winning. I went up to Ricky good job I said. Thanks . That's until Gina came and all of a sudden I felt coke on my head. What the heck Gina I said. She poured the whole can on my head. "Oops sorry I didn't mean it". She said. Gina why would you do that! said Ricky. I take my coke and pour some on her ". Uhhh said Gina whatever ". I got to go see you guys later. "Wait Nini "said Ricky.

Gina's POV
Ok so I may or not have a crush on Ricky. I was going to go talk to him when I see Nini over there. Ughh so I decided to take my coke and pour it on her. That will make Nini leave. She ended up splashing her coke on my shirt. She then left so hahah. So Ricky um how you been. "I got to go"he said. Uhhh my plan backfired!

Nini's POV
I got a call and it was my mom . Where are you Nini! Umm well I am at the football game. "Nini I told you that you were grounded"! I am sorry I just". Get home now you are grounded for 2weeks! I grabbed my stuff and Ames Kourtney I'd she could drive me back to the studio so I could get my car. Today was not the best day. Uhh I have soda all over me and I am grounded! I also have a big dance test coming up ! I also have a history test this week . I can't fail this next test.

Hi! Here is chapter 4! A lot just happened! Nini is getting distracted. Gina has a crush on Ricky! I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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