Chapter 11

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Ricky POV
As soon as I entered the door I ran to hug my mom. "Mom so you are back from Chicago for good"I said. "Right". My mom gave me a weird look. Ricky um can you sit down on the couch for a second. "Mom what's going on are we moving to Chicago or something". "No Ricky I am". Your father and I are going to be getting a divorce. "I thought you guys were trying to make it work". "Ricky I am sorry". I grabbed my skateboard and went to big reds. "I am really sorry Ricky" said big red .It's fine I said it's not you fault. I wanted to cry but I didn't I just keep my tears in. You can tell that my eyes look red since i was crying while I was skateboarding. So do you want to play video games or something we can play madden . No thanks I said. I decided to stay at big Reds but i couldnt sleep m. I grabbed my stuff and left. I skated throughout the neighborhood until I heard a familiar voice call my name.
Nini's POV
My parents and I had just got back from dinner since we were celebrating my first place win from my solo. I see Ricky go by his skateboard so I called him. When I faced him I seen that he had been crying his eyes were red. When he seen me he ran to me and hugged me. Ricky was shaking. "What happened I asked" we sat on my porch on the two chairs that we have out. "My parents are umm splitting up"he said. "Oh I am so sorry" Ricky I said. His eyes were red I felt so bad for him that I even almost started to cry.It's ok I just have to get used to this" I said. "Everything is going to be ok"I told him. "Well I umm should get going" said Ricky. Ok I'll see you Monday at school I said. Bye .

Ricky's POV
It was Monday my mom leaves today. I head to school my eyes are red from crying. I just don't feel like doing anything. I grab my skateboard and head to school. I honestly am not in the mood for practice today. I just can't believe that my mom is leaving to Chicago! Like why can't she stay with me in Salt Lake City!

Nini's POV
Today I have dance I have tap class today which I am excited ! I hope Ricky is doing ok so I decided to text him.

Ricky 🛹❤️
Me: Good morning ☀️

Ricky : Good morning ☀️

Me: How you doing?

Ricky: Ok I guess :/

Me: meet me at my locker so we can go to class together

Ricky: ok

Ricky's POV
This week is homecoming! I am excited to go with nini! I head to Nini's locker. I really just can't believe my parents have split up. I kind of just want to go in a corner and cry . I just have to stay strong. Hey I said. Hi said Nini. Alright let's go to class she says. She grabs my hand. Wait we are holding hands!!

Nini's POV
Friends can hold hands right!? I mean I really like Ricky but I don't think that right now is the best time to tell him since all the drama that is happening at his home life right now. I seen that he smiled at me when I held his hand. Hmm maybe Ricky Bowen does like me back. Just maybe.

~Time skip to the end of the day~
Ricky's POV
I was about to head home when I got a call. You won't believe who it was . It was my mom? I thought she left. When I picked up you won't believe what she told me. "Ricky I think I want you to come move with me to Chicago ".

Omg! Ahh! I left you all off on a cliffhanger! we are getting more rini moments . But uh oh Will Ricky have to move to Chicago! Idk you will have to find out in next chapter! Sorry if I have some spelling errors lol

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