Chapter 45 :Finale

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Nini's POV
~ 1 month later~
"Bye you guys"! Oh Macy don't worry I will come visit you"! "Alright well I guess this is goodbye for now" said Macy. "I will see you soon just think of this as see you later"! I said. I thought about what Ricky would say if he was leaving someone important to him. I mean Macy and I have been best friends for a while now we first met in ballet class a couple years ago . "Well I got to go catch my flight bye"! "Bye Nini we will miss you"! "Salt lake city here I come"! I said with a wide smile on my face.

 "Well I got to go catch my flight bye"! "Bye Nini we will miss you"! "Salt lake city here I come"! I said with a wide smile on my face

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Big Reds POV "Ricky DONT check you social media right now  "I blurted out

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Big Reds POV
"Ricky DONT check you social media right now  "I blurted out. "Umm ok but why"asked Ricky. "Umm well because we are supposed to talk not look a are phones all day". "But didn't you literally just invite me saying we were going to play video games". "Oh yeah right well I changed my mind I said. "Ok then" said Ricky . "Ricky I was wondering if you could come with Ashlyn and I to pick up a friend from the airport". "Sure"said Ricky . Yes so here is the plan Ricky doesn't know Nini is coming home . We are going to surprise him that Is why I am telling him to not look at his social media. "Ok well we should get going to the airport Ashlyn is outside waiting for us". "Ok" said Ricky.

Ricky's POV
We just got in Ashlyn's car. Well this seems kind of suspicious but I mean what friend are they picking . "Ricky". "Umm yeah" I said. I have a quick question says Ashlyn. "Ok what is it. " Do you have a crush on Nini". "Whatt me haha No we are just friends". Ashlyn gave me a look. "Ok ok fine  I do but it's not like she feels the same and plus she is all the way in Denver so why you asking?"I said. Just wondering because you kind of make it obvious and you should probably look out your window" said Ashlyn". I look out my window to see a familiar brunette standing outside with a big luggage. "No this isn't real". Nini's in Denver. "Am I ughh dreaming I aks Ashlyn and red. Nope they said this is real. I take off my seatbelt and flew open the door running towards the familiar brunette.

Nini's POV
I just landed I was looking for my ride when I see a familiar curly headed kid running up to me. "NINI!" "Hi! I said laughing while he picked me up and spun me around. "What are you doing here I thought you are in Denver". "I didn't like it there It never felt like home like salt lake does. "Ashlyn hiii"! All are friends came in separate cars I ran up and gave the all a huge hug! "You guys omigosh I was only expecting two of you to pick me up this is so sweet. I see Kourtney holding up a sign that said "welcome home Nini". We all decided that in celebration that since I am back home we will all go to in and out!
Ricky's POV
I have to tell her how I feel . I see nini starting to walk away with the others "Nini"! I call out. She turned around and walked twords me. "Yeah?"she said.  "Is everything ok?" Yeah Umm Well I just wanted to tell you that-  "Ricky ,Nini come on" yelled big Red. "Why don't you tell me after dinner yeah are friends are waiting she said . "Umm ok yeah sure". She smiled and grabbed my hand hurry up Bowen we are going to be late. Ughh Big Red had  to ruin the moment!  The second time I finally had the courage to tell her now I have to wait!  Nini goes into Kourtney's car while I go back with Ashlyn and Big Red. "So what happened between you and Nini did you tell her how you feel asked Red. "Well I was going to until you called out are names "! Ohh sorry I didn't know.said red . "Its Ok I said smiling back with a fake smile plastered across my face. "Big Red said Ashlyn slapping  big red on the shoulder softly. "I said I was sorry said Big Red. "Well let's go to in and out"! Oh and did I mention that Big Red and Ashlyn are finally dating they have had huge crushes on each other since the beginning of the year. I can't wait for next season of football, and who knows maybe Nini and I will be in a relationship?! "We are here said Ashlyn! "Yay I am starving"said Big Red. "Umm dude didn't we just have Starbucks like an hour ago how could you be starving I said laughing. "Hey I just am"said red laughing. We head inside and Kourtney and Nini are obviously already there talking. "Hey" they said. Hi! I said. Well we kind of all ready ordered they both said. Ok I am going to go order. "Wait Ricky can you please get me a strawberry shake I will pay you back" said Nini. "One first of all you don't need to pay me back I will buy it for you second of all hmm I think I will get you chocolate. Chocolate is so much better!" Noo said Nini I want strawberry. "Fine  I said laughing. "Thank youu said Nini.
Nini's POV
"Aww you to are cute" said a worker at in and out. How long have you to been dating for! I literally chocked on my lettuce from my burger when she just said that. "Oh um well we aren't dating we are just friends". "Oh I am sorry I just assumed". "It's all good" I said laughing . "Aha see i am not the only one who thinks you two act like a couple or thinks that you are one said Kourtney. "Well we are friends and that is what matters". Plus even if I do let's say date Ricky I would. obviously still be focused on all my education and dance. Collage is very important to me and since we are going to be seniors I am going to also need to focus on that I have to start applying to schools. "We love to hear that said Ashlyn!" "Education comes first before any boys i said. "Now that's the Nini I know said Kourtney laughing". "Here is your strawberry milkshake said Ricky handing it to me". Thanks I said with a huge smile on my face. "Oh and by the way strawberry Is 100% better then the chocolate milkshake". "Oh you did not just say that said Ricky". "Oh yes I did I said laughing.  We continue eating and the everyone is starting to leave and said that they will see us tomorrow at school. Ricky and I are the only two left. "So what were you going to tell me at the airport" I said. "Oh umm it's nothing". "It didn't seem like nothing I said . "It's really nothing". "Oh um ok well the. I should get going I said. I start walking away when I Hear him blurt out "I like you like I really like you Nini". I know that we are best friends but Maybe we can be something more like in a relationship obviously we will focus on school and everything education but I get it if you don't feel the same way it's ok. I run up to him and give him a  short kiss. I like you two Bowen I said smiling. "Wait so I was the girl that you had a crush on?" I said. "Yeah he said nervously ". Wow because when I heard you talk to big red I was like who does he like. So Nini Salazar Roberts will you go on a date with me? Also I got permission from you parents since we are almost 18 to take you out on a date he said laughing. Omigosh yes I will go on a date with you Ricky!  "Wow you are such a gentleman asking my parents permission first". Of course I have to do that"! That's when I hear my phone ring hold on let me take this I said. "Hello is this Nini Salazar Roberts" "Hi yes this is she" I said. We just wanted to let you know that you just got accepted to Dancer academy in Chicago. "Oh um wow. I just totally thought I didn't make the spot". "I mean I applied months ago". "Yes well we are barley letting people know if you got accepted". "Mm wow". "So you have a month to make up your decision". "Ok umm bye". "What am I going to do. "Everything ok?"asks Ricky. "Yeah" I said. Ok well then shall we go get some ice cream yes we shall I said smiling. "I am not going to worry about this I will tell ricky later .

General POV
There goes the dancer and the football player walking to the ice cream shop hand-in-hand happier than they have  ever been at least for now.

Ahhh and that's the end of the Dancer and the football player!! I hope you all enjoyed this story I loved writing this! But it's not over yet The sequel! Is coming!! Ahh comment! Thank you all so much for all the votes and comments and thank you for 8k reads! What did you all think of this first part of the story!! Go check out the sequel if you want to know what happens next!!

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