Chapter 3

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Disclaimer: This is based on the characters and story from Cassandra Clare the last hours book series. I don't own any of the characters.
This is my first fic I will happily take polite constructive criticism about my actual writing but please don't be mean just because you don't ship fairondale.There wil be spoilers from chain of Gold, the infernal devices, tales from the shadowhunter academy and ghosts of the shadow market

Lucie stared at the pile of clothes on her bed. Matthew didn't say where they were going. Or exactly what they were doing, which made it difficult to decided what to wear. Surely for finding a band, it would not be a particularly wild night. But it would be late. Lucie decided on a light pink dress it had black lace over the skirt. The sleeves came to her elbow tightening around her arm just above. The neckline showed her collarbone but nothing more. The dress came in at the waist giving the outline of a figure.

Lucie's parents were on patrol that night which allowed her to get out with them noticing. But she still wondered what James would think. Being out with a man at that time. James still though Matthew had feelings for her. He couldn't see the way Matthew looked at his fiancé. Cordelias parabatia. Lucie hated being  jealous of Cordelia. Cordelia had done nothing wrong but she couldn't control her feelings.

Lucie waiting in the drawing room for Matthew to arrive. James waited with her.
"Where are you going?" he asked
"it's a surprise" remarked Lucie
"then I shall ask him when he arrives"
James replied.

Lucie walked away from her brother to the window where she could watch for the Fairchild carriage. It was still raining. Lucie wondered if she should take a coat. She knew what her mother would say, but her mother wouldn't approve of her going out with Matthew alone during the night. It seemed hypocritical her Aunt Cecily and Uncle Gabriel had told her and James all about what her parents got up to at her age and that seemed far more scandalous.

Through the fog Lucie could see a carriage she smiled hoping it would be Matthew's

"Is that him?" James enquired raising an eyebrow

"uhh I think so, " Lucie muttered. The carriage appeared to be heading towards the institute but she still couldn't quite recognise it "it's coming here anyway. "

'Yes, that's the Fairchild carriage" James inputted. He had been in the Fairchild carriage far more times then Lucie and had a much better chance of reconsing it. "I will get the door, it seems unfair to make Bridget
get the door while we are so near"
And with that he left the drawing room leaving Lucie alone.

Lucie used her reflection in the window to check again how she looked. Lucie thought the dress she had chosen had made her look young and childish. Maybe she should have chosen the pale blue dress which brought out her eyes. It was lighter than this one as well. But before she had time to consider changing she heard Matthew at the door.

Note:Thank you so much for reading.
This was a short one again. I promise more Matthew in the next chapter.
Again I'm happy to receive polite constructive crisitsm to my writing.
Hope you have a good day.

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