Chapter 3: Sweet jesus

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You had went to sleep that night and woke up. It was about 10 in the morning and you log on to roblox to see that G0Z had sent you a friend request. You hesitated but accepted it. He immediately started texting you.

G0Z: Hello my friend! :0)

You: Hi G0Z!

G0Z: Would you like to come to my circus today?

You: ...[typing]


You: idk..

G0Z: Ok! I will be in the circus and you can join if you want :0)

You: Ok

You sigh and decide to join the game. You go into the world of roblox and you go into his game. You see him wave at you and give you a smile. You blush..."Are you blushing?" he asks, tilting his head slightly. "Oh um I-" you sigh "Yes, yes I'm blushing," you look away. G0Z looks away too and smiles.

"So, you stay right here, I will be right back.." he says and he walks to his office.

You get curious I wonder what he's doing..? You walk to his office and look into one of the rooms. Your eyes widen as you seem him shirtless. You blush hard and cover your mouth sweet jesus... He doesn't seem to notice you standing there. You walk off and leave his office. You go back to where you were standing and giggle quietly. I cant believe I saw that..ugh, but I don't know if he's single..

You stand there and think. G0Z suddenly comes up to you. "I'm back," he says and smiles. You see his shirt is on now.

"Oh, I have to go.." G0Z says as he sees many fans and fangirls joining the server. "Ok, bye G0Z," you say and smile at him and wave. He smiles and waves back. You both leave the game.

You get back into the real world and sigh. "He probably doesn't like me back, I shouldn't even try," you say to yourself. You shut off your computer and go downstairs to eat something.

G0Z x Reader 💉 The DoctorWhere stories live. Discover now