Chapter 6: He's in MY HOUSE

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I wake up to realize I'm in my bed in the real world. I sigh and cuddle into my blankets. "Oh, your awake!" you hear a familiar voice say. You look over to see G0Z.

"I took you home because I didn't want to wake you up," he says smiling and coming over to you. Suddenly he gets in bed with you.

What is he doing what is he doing...oh my god

He reaches his arms out and pulls you close to him. He giggles and cuddles you, pulling the blankets more over you and making sure your warm. "You also got a cold, so I'm going to be taking care of you from now on," he smiles and kisses your forehead.



"I...I have...a crush....on you..."




You feel him pull you closer as he cuddle you more and more. "I have a crush on you too," he whispers.

Holy shit

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