Chapter 5: Cuddles (fluff)

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It is the next day and I join on G0Z's game again. As I spawn I glitch out and I see G0Z. "Hello my clowny friend!" he waves at me. I finally stop glitching "Hi G0Z!" I smile at him. I shiver as it gets cold out. G0Z notices and puts an arm around me. "Here," he smiles and holds me close to him.

My face turns red and I smile. He takes notice and giggles as he hugs me. I blush even more and hug him back. Oh my goodness this is amazing He holds me close to him and cuddles me. "Is this making you feel warmer?" he asks. "Yes.." I mumble into his shirt.

He giggles and pats/rubs my head. My face turns completely red and a bit pink. I start to get tired. I don't want this to ever end... He notices I'm about to doze off and he picks me up, easily because I'm very light.

"You can rest.." he says quietly. I blush even more if its possible and I cuddle into him. I slowly fall asleep. He giggles and kisses my forehead.


Ayyyy yas 194 words

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