Chapter 7: A fight

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Its the next day and G0Z had to go into roblox to take care of something. You didn't know what though.

You decided to take a walk. You put on this outfit

As you walk you see one of your fake friends from Roblox. You ignore her and keep walking. "Slut.." the fake friend whispers as you walk by. You turn around and fast walk towards her.

You grab her and turn her around, you punch her right in the face. Her nose bleeds as she screams. "You bitch!" she says and slaps you.

You push her to the ground and walk off towards your house. I should go home you go back in your house. You go into ROBLOX, needing to blow off some steam.

You go into G0Z's office and see him sorting out pills and stuff. I walk in and hug him. "Oh! Hello Y/n! Your hugging me a bit tight, whats this for?" he asks while starting to hug you back.

"I have my reasons," you say and cuddle into him. "I just got in a fight," you admit. "Really?! Did you get hurt? Are you ok?!" he asks, looking at your body. "No, all the girl I got in a fight with did is slap me," G0Z looks at your face seeing a red mark.

He starts leaving small kisses on the slap mark. "Doctor G0Z is gonna make you feel all better.." he says in a soothing voice as he kisses the slap mark and holds you close, cuddling you. You blush.

What the..

You feel yourself get wet and you bite your lip. You cuddle into him. Your face heats up and you feel all warm as he cuddles you and kisses your face. He kisses the red mark more and more and starts rubbing your back.

"Does it feel better?" he asks with a smile. "Yes.." you say looking at him with a red heated up blushing face.

You look at him and kiss him on the lips. Your eyes close as you kiss him. His green eyes widen and he blushes. He closes his eyes and kisses back, his long tounge sliding into your mouth.

You squirm as he holds you closer to him, his tounge wraps around your tounge and licks it. You squirm even more and try to pull away. He traps you in a hug and makes it so you cant move.

You squirm and wiggle, trying to get out of the kiss. His tounge is warm and soft and is wrapping around yours. He lets you pull away and you gasp for air.

"Hehehehe.." he giggles and cuddles you. "I love you.." he says with a smile. "I love you too.." you fall asleep in his arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2020 ⏰

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