The not so revenge,revenge

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A week has passed and pretty much everything returned to normalcy.

All my friends present at the day spoke nothing about that incident after it happened and life kinda just moved on until belle kinda reminded me of it one recess.

"You know Kathy... I've been meaning to apologise to you... I shouldn't have said that we were going to the club.." she said looking down

"Ah belle" I touched her hand resting on the table reassuringly.

"Is that why you've been so down lately? It's no biggie, Really. It's not your fault he's so mean at times. Besides I've never once thought of blaming you!! So don't worry okay?" I smiled at her.

She smiled back, still looking a little guilty.

"Ah speaking of which although I'm sorry for acting out, he DEFINITELY went overboard. How about this. We devise a wicked plan to embarrass him and get back at him?" I smirked (also kind of saying it to lighten the mood)

This time, she smiled genuinely.

"Let your girl belle help you in that"

After much thought and plans, we decided to get back at him by publicly humiliating him.

" okay so, plan is, Friday night when I go to his place, I'll go snoop around his mother's room and find the most embarrassing picture of him. Then I'll go to the casual business party he's planning to hold the next day on Saturday. Then I'll Get to know the people and get their Instagram usernames and finally post it online. " we giggled evilly having finalised our with my great ploy.

Saturday comes, and I managed to capture a few of Kyle's embarrassing moments. A baby photo of him in the shower. Another picture of him butt naked and spanked by his father and another one of him dressing hideously when he first entered high school geek specs and braces(he still kinda hot thou) the hot nerd hehe. As the party was relatively casual, but also kind of formal, I wore a short white lacy dress threw on some basic make up and heels. After getting ready, we both went straight to the party.

When we arrived, he was warmly welcomed by many people. The place was gorgeous, there was a large living room were Everyone was at and the furnitures were grand and classy. Then I noticed that everyone here were men and they were all dressed smartly in tuxedos and bows or ties. Confused, I pulled at Kyle's sleeve.

"I thought you said It wasn't that formal? I'm not dressed for this and where are the women" I whispered to him, also concerned.

"Baby, no worries, this is a men party, also, I just wanted you to feel comfortable. Besides you look pretty damn good today" he flirts.

I blushed and went around to get to know the people. Throughout the party, I got to know many of them and started carrying out my plan. I exchanged Instagram with a lot of them and when I felt I was ready, I posted the pictures on my story. I felt a sense of pride and immense thrill.

A few moments later I started seeing people noticing the pictures. They giggled at their phones. To confirm that they saw my story, I asked them casually.

"What are y'all laughing at?" I approached ben, men I talked to previously.

"Your post! HAHA I need to screenshot this. Its gold." He laughed boisterously.

"Hey man, screen shot what?" Another curious guy comes along.

Soon after most people the room knew. sweet. I smiled to myself, proud of my perfect get back.

"Hey Kyle, I didn't know you were so cute what you were a baby what happened to you?" One guy approached Kyle, pointing to the picture of him getting spanked showing Kyle on his phone.

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