Yu're Alright [Semi-Canon]

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He could feel the bed shifting under him despite having been dead asleep just before. He tried to brush it off as the other turning over or fixing his position, but that's not how either of those movements felt normally. He finally opened his eye and sat up when he could hear the sobbing start, trying to get adjusted to the dark as quickly as he could. It couldn't have been before midnight with how little light came through the window. Blinking a few more times as he adjusted to the low light, he could barely see his boyfriend's shiloette in the darkness, but he reached out to the other anyway.

"Hey, hey shhh, deep breaths you're alright. What's wrong, did you have a nightmare?" Pulling the taller closer to him as much as he could while still being disorientated from sleep, he could feel his nightshirt being tugged on as he brought the older closer to him. He couldn't get a coherent answer from the other while he cried, and despite how odd this moment felt, it felt all too natural at the same time. "Take deep breaths, come on I've got you. You're alright, what's got you acting like this?" Rubbing the heel of his palm in circles against his boyfriend's back, he did his best to help the man calm down, trying not to tangle the long black hair whenever his hand went over it. Pacing his own breath, he was glad as he heard Kanda follow suit, the aching sobs turning into airless breaths and then relaxed breathing slowly but surely. He continued with the motions of his hand against Kanda's back, being careful as he pressed a small kiss to the top of his head as it was rested against his shoulder lightly.

"I woke you up, didn't I? I'm sorry, you need your sleep." Sighing a little under his breath, he reached over to the side table and the lamp that sat there unlit, being quick to light it before placing his attention back on the man in his arms. Despite the low light and the point it came from being behind them, he could still see the tear tracks running down the pale cheeks, using the side of his thumb to wipe at the wet strips.

"Yeah, you did wake me up, but that doesn't matter. You need sleep too, Yu, what has you so upset after midnight? Is the baby kicking too much?" Reaching his free hand forward, he placed it very lightly against the side of the older's stomach, able to feel quick kicks barely a moment after his hand came in contact with the thin shirt that the other wore to bed only since it started getting colder outside. He barely heard the soft, tired sigh come from his boyfriend's mouth, able to feel a warm hand holding his down.

"Yeah, they're kicking a bit much, but that's not why I…" Hearing the soft words trail off, he could tell what was meant. Humming softly under his breath, he fixed his hold on Kanda, carefully gathering the long hair and moving it over the other's right shoulder so he wouldn't accidentally pull on it while he held his boyfriend from behind.

"Well do you want to talk about why you were upset?" Choosing his words carefully, he didn't want to get the silent treatment or be kicked out of the room for saying that Kanda had been crying. Pressing a light kiss to the taller's shoulder, he was glad as he saw the silent nod.

"What if they hate me?" Blinking a little, he rested his chin on Yu's left shoulder, waiting a moment before he figured that he wasn't getting any emphasis. 

"What are you talking about? Who'd hate you? I mean the closest thing I can think to hate that anyone feels towards you would be how the finders fear you. But hate? Can't think of anyone who would feel that way." Smiling from his vantage point, he nearly missed the annoyed look he was sent.

"You're not funny, rabbit, even beansprout is more entertaining than you."

"Sorry, I was trying to lighten the mood. You're talking about the baby aren't you? Why do you think they'll hate you?" Hearing the soft sigh from his right, he traced one of his hands against the space where it seemed like the baby was kicking the most, able to feel the jabs lessen in intensity bit by bit as Kanda calmed down in his arms.

"Why do you think they won't? Before this entire predicament and even up till a few months ago I'd go off on people for stupid reasons. What if I start doing that again? What if I turn on them?" Feeling as a warm hand moved to sit just to the right of his chin. Letting out a breath, he used the hand not wrapped around Kanda's torso to move the hand, placing it against where the kicks were still battering the skin and covering it with his own hand as well.

"I doubt that'll happen, especially since you're beating yourself up about it now. But if you did start doing that again I don't believe that you could ever direct it at your child, at least not without good reason. See, even the baby is trying to tell you to calm down. You're going to be amazing, so stop blaming yourself for things that haven't even happened." He pressed a light kiss just under the other's ear, trying to show just how much he meant the words. He could feel the fingers under his hand move in small circles, smiling silently as the both of them could feel the kicks slow down. He was glad that he didn't miss the smile, even in the dim light of before dawn lamplight the other looked radiant. Watching the expression dim before turning into a frown, he felt some of the hair he had moved fall onto his shoulder.

"How can you be so sure?" Groaning softly at having thought they were done with this, he rested his forehead on the shoulder for a moment before looking up again.

"Yu Kanda, I'm sure because I know you. And I know that you won't revert to that again, at least not without actually trying to. I'll be there too, or at least I'll try to be as much as possible." Finally feeling the other relax in his hold, he moved his unoccupied hand to turn Kanda's jaw, pressing a light kiss to the soft lips he met. The two of them sat there for a few more minutes in silence before moving back to the center of the bed. He grinned as midnight blue eyes became half-lidded, watching as Kanda relaxed where he laid. He knew their positions would probably change as they slept, but he couldn't help how he seemed to get lost in those eyes. Feeling as his hand was grabbed after he pulled the blankets up and over them both, he finally let himself relax, making sure the lamp was out before closing his eye.

He'd be sure to keep them both safe.

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