Double Trouble [Semi-Canon]

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[I'm behind by 9 chapters so here I go, birth warning btw]

Shifting in his spot where he sat in his spot on the staircase of the training room they were currently in, he ran the potential skewers he called his fingers through the front of his hair, the low ponytail his god daughter put his hair in having loosened up a bit too much in the time he watched her and his eldest son spar. To his side sat the red-headed girl's equipment type weapon, the axe having been taken so she wouldn't have the urge to use it. Kanda and Lavi could teach her how to activate and use the battleaxe better than he could, even when he wasn't on medical leave. Tracing his right hand down his front, he sighed softly before catching as a kick was thrown and knocked the girl off her feet.

"Nice work Ryuu, you finally won against Iso in a spar. Even so, you need to keep an eye out for your own blind spot, that's been your biggest issue today." Smiling as the two kids walked over to him, he could see Isobel fix her pigtails as she walked, hopping up the four steps till she reached him.

"Thank you Uncle Allen for watching us while dad is working in the library. Momma and I have been telling him for weeks that Bookman was going to come after him again if he didn't do his work." Snorting a little at the girl, he felt as Ryuuji hugged him from behind.

"It's no problem Iso, you know that. Anyway I didn't think you'd want to be so bored since Kanda is on a mission." Smiling, he felt the two kids switch places, feeling small fingers brushing his hair back into a ponytail again.

"Daddy's on the same mission right? Are they going to be home soon? I miss daddy and uncle Yu." Running his fingers through his son's black hair, he tried to keep the smile on his face, trying not to show how messed up his emotions were. His partner and one of his oldest friends had been sent on a time sensitive mission nearly a week ago. He knows how the both of them fight, he's fought both of them himself many times before. But despite how much he trusted the two of them to return safe, part of him still feared that something important would happen. It didn't help that he's only a little over eight months pregnant, nor did the point that he had been visiting the infirmary once every three or four days since they had found out because of fatigue or any other miniscule issue.

He knew that he shouldn't worry or stress over things that he couldn't control, but he's always been that kind of person.

"Yeah, they're both on the same mission, they should be home either tonight or tomorrow if everything went well. Don't worry." He nearly missed the way his son looked at the girl behind him, knowing that the boy had seen his conflicted expression.

"Let's go back to your room and take a nap, mummy! Maybe they'll be back by the time we wake back up." Letting himself be tugged up onto his feet by both six year olds, he was suspicious of what they were trying to do for a moment before sighing. Of course they figured out that he was stressing over things, they're smarter than any of them were at their age, except maybe Lavi. He let himself be pulled out of the training room by both kids, lightly nodding to Timcanpy who had apparently gotten locked out of the room by accident.

"No shoes Ryuu! Even I know that!" Smiling at how Isobel laughed, he kicked off his slippers as he watched both kids put their shoes by the door, sitting on the bed for a moment to take off his sweater before laying on his side, chuckling softly as he watched the pair of best friends try finding their places on his husband's side of the bed. He outright laughed as Isobel's pigtail landed in Ryuuji's face. Eventually though he managed to fall into a light sleep, trying not to let scenarios plague his mind while he slept.

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